May 29, 2011

" You’ve got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn’t going to work." Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Sure, you can enjoy relaxing on the water in a 500K top of the line yacht, but you are afforded that same exact pleasure with an old, hand made canoe that creaks and looks well-worn.  Both vessels allow for relaxing water travel,  keeping the passengers dry.  The difference is experienced in the minds of the crew that travel on them.  Experience can then be described as subjective,  identical in external circumstance, but processed differently depending on the current state of mind.  

This is very similar to our own physical bodies and belongings, such as homes, cars , jobs/titles.  Many people define themselves by their outward appearance, by their ‘position’ in this world.  Although we will meet many people who subscribe to this false notion of worth/value, it’s important not to get caught up with keeping up with the Jones’.  You are well equipped with everything you need, you are a perfect creation with the capability to then create your own beauty.  There’s no need to search for completion in another - you are complete.  Happiness is never found in the latest/greatest ‘toy’ , home or electronic device.  Temporary excitement is realized with type of acquisition, but it is soon replaced with ‘want’ and ‘lack’ as there is always newer, better, more bells and whistles.  It leaves the consumer in a constant state of wanting more, anxiously awaiting the next release, newer model, latest upgrade - then they’ll feel better, right?  

You can see the cycle of lack that is created in large part by the media.  In a typical day you’re bombarded with about 3,000 messages from billboards, coffee cups, television, newspapers, napkins, tee shirts, car magnets, radio, magazines, flyers, bumper stickers, etc.  These messages were created from masterminds of persuasion and skewed intentions of wealth creation for themselves.  It’s important to be aware of what’s really in your best interest.  A shiny new car that is financed over 7 years with a payment that’s pretty affordable to you today (at 12%) is NOT in your best interest at all.  It will leave you broke, paying huge APR and after about 3 years, won’t look quite as shiny and exciting to you.  Don’t fall prey to expert salespeople.
Simplicity, to me, is that elusive, wonderful way of life that provides more room for personal growth and realization than any complicated, busy, crowded existence.  We must first have the basics of navigation mastered before we commit to steering a blockbuster yacht into uncharted waters.

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