May 30, 2011

I pledge allegiance............


We all hold certain ‘truths’ as a foundation of who we are, thus our actions and choices that follow. Sometimes people simply adopt a belief system without doing their own due diligence. They blindly follow a belief, repeatedly sometimes. 

An example of this skewed belief system would be the following.
You’ve been with a certain insurance company for many. many years now; and Mom and Dad had them too. You continue to carry their policy without regard to the ever-increasing premiums and exclusions which would actually prevent you from signing up with them in the first place if you did research on them today. Maybe you feel a certain obligation to them, or a fondness because ‘it’s in the family, you know.’

When ever you find yourself saying, “I’ve always done it this way,” that’s a great time to put on those spectacles and re examine your allegiance to that particular thing. Time moves on; things change. Your allegiance to (changing) things should also be as dynamic.

Of course, there are the timeless facets of life that are ever lasting. Such as love, peace, kindness, honesty, gratitude, compassion, etc. Those truths are kept close to our hearts and receive daily pledges of allegiance!

May 29, 2011


In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." 

It was 1933, the great depression had reached it's depth and president-elect Roosevelt reminded Americans that the nation's present difficulties concerned only material things; the morale/spirit remains resilient. Profound quote from our former President in desperate financial times!

Fear blinds the sighted
and maims the physically able
Fear scrambles the clearest mind
and levels the highest climber
Fear tarnishes ambitions
and polishes doubts
Fear crushes optimism
and supports greed.

Fear can feel so consuming and flourishes when we feed it daily. Fear is opportunistic and searches for cracks (doubt) in one's foundation to creep in and take over, much like a weed or virus.

The big fears actually have little daily impact on our state of mind, our well being. Fear of being eaten by a shark, or caught in a burning building, or losing a job, or money, or whatever.... These are fear-based thoughts that don't usually drive your daily actions or thoughts. Worry about little things will consume your mind with "what if's" and constant doubts and negative emotions. Worry is like an erosion of the soul. It wears it down by constantly repeating oppressive ideas - I’ll never be good enough, I might catch cold if I go outside, it doesn't matter anyway 'cause I have bad luck, etc. 

Worry is very dangerous as it purrs like a kitten, but devours like a lion.

" You’ve got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn’t going to work." Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Sure, you can enjoy relaxing on the water in a 500K top of the line yacht, but you are afforded that same exact pleasure with an old, hand made canoe that creaks and looks well-worn.  Both vessels allow for relaxing water travel,  keeping the passengers dry.  The difference is experienced in the minds of the crew that travel on them.  Experience can then be described as subjective,  identical in external circumstance, but processed differently depending on the current state of mind.  

This is very similar to our own physical bodies and belongings, such as homes, cars , jobs/titles.  Many people define themselves by their outward appearance, by their ‘position’ in this world.  Although we will meet many people who subscribe to this false notion of worth/value, it’s important not to get caught up with keeping up with the Jones’.  You are well equipped with everything you need, you are a perfect creation with the capability to then create your own beauty.  There’s no need to search for completion in another - you are complete.  Happiness is never found in the latest/greatest ‘toy’ , home or electronic device.  Temporary excitement is realized with type of acquisition, but it is soon replaced with ‘want’ and ‘lack’ as there is always newer, better, more bells and whistles.  It leaves the consumer in a constant state of wanting more, anxiously awaiting the next release, newer model, latest upgrade - then they’ll feel better, right?  

You can see the cycle of lack that is created in large part by the media.  In a typical day you’re bombarded with about 3,000 messages from billboards, coffee cups, television, newspapers, napkins, tee shirts, car magnets, radio, magazines, flyers, bumper stickers, etc.  These messages were created from masterminds of persuasion and skewed intentions of wealth creation for themselves.  It’s important to be aware of what’s really in your best interest.  A shiny new car that is financed over 7 years with a payment that’s pretty affordable to you today (at 12%) is NOT in your best interest at all.  It will leave you broke, paying huge APR and after about 3 years, won’t look quite as shiny and exciting to you.  Don’t fall prey to expert salespeople.
Simplicity, to me, is that elusive, wonderful way of life that provides more room for personal growth and realization than any complicated, busy, crowded existence.  We must first have the basics of navigation mastered before we commit to steering a blockbuster yacht into uncharted waters.

May 28, 2011



A Blind Man once asked a wise man: " Can there be anything worse than losing your Eye Sight?" The Wise Man replied: "Yes.. Losing your 'VISION'

Sight is the ability to see things as they are, and vision is the ability to see things as they could be.

Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.

If you are operating by sight, you see the problems and challenges all around you, and that’s it.

 You tend to want proof of something before you accept (believe) it as true. But the opposite applies to everyone, you’ll see it when you believe it.

 A raging bull can see the red cape; the intentional bull also notices the sword behind it and the possibilities that accompany it.

May 26, 2011

The wonder of you!


Like shells in the sand
I watch life unfold
Many choices, many colors
The difference is none, I’m told
Some are passed by
while others are gathered
All singing the same song
To deaf ears, if it matters
What makes you so special
is what casts you unique
From afar you all look the same to me
But move closer for a peek
Much more than your shell
defines who you are
The realm of expansion
goes beyond; travels far
It starts in my mind
the perception of you
irrelevant to your attributes
or things that you do
You’re complete, you see
in every way
Opinions of outsiders 
must not cause you to stray

Be at peace with yourself
don’t judge, just allow
observe the wonders of nature
practice being in the now.

You held my hand, but touched my heart!


“Hey, wontcha play another somebody done somebody wrong song 
And make me feel at home while I miss my baby, while I miss my baby 

So please play for me a sad melody
So sad that it makes everybody cry-y-y-y
A real hurtin' song about a love that's gone wrong
'cause I don't want to cry all alone”

B.J. Thomas 1975

Heard this song on the radio this morning and it reminded me of our human nature of craving camaraderie/acceptance/sharing. Feeling all alone in our emotions can be such a barren desert of hopelessness and despair. Yet if we are able to buffer that isolation by sharing in the unity of oneness; even if that connection is based in fear/sadness/grief, etc, we are then able to find the strength to pull through the pain. Hospice grief support is such an example. The commonality of grief and it’s shared expression of sadness/despair/isolation bonds and supports the whole.

AA is another great example of sharing trials/defeats and inspiration to overcome the beast of addiction. The 12 steps laid out for members takes the unmanageable and carves a path of hope for personal accomplishment. Sharing emotions/stories is the common branch of brotherhood that supports even the heaviest of burdens.

It’s a wonderful world when we all share and support one another. My weakness may be your strength and vice versa. Even if we both fall down, the blow is much softer when we do it together!

My name is Joan Hartsough, and I want to help other people evolve.

May 25, 2011

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                                        Live with intention. 
                                                        Walk to the edge. 
                                                        Listen hard. 
                                                        Practice wellness. 
                                                        Play with abandon. 
                                                        Choose with no regret. 
                                                        Appreciate your friends. 
                                                        Continue to learn. 
                                                        Do what you love. 
                                                        Live as if this is all there is.

                                                       Mary Anne Radmacher

Friends offer us fertile ground for sowing seeds of discovery, growth and exploration. Camaraderie is the fabric that weaves our souls together to create a beautiful tapestry of experience. The pure exhilaration we get from sharing a positive connection/experience is priceless. It exceeds the temporary feeling of joy we get from stuff. You can’t put a price tag on the richness a good friend stirs into your life. You can’t order it from a catalog, create it out of play dough, or borrow it from another. Experiences with our friends are the catalyst to that inner spark of growth, revelation, joy, and enthusiasm! 

In appreciation of all my friends! Woo-Hoo!

Think about it!..........................


A critical part of a well lived life is contemplation.
Thinking about what the result might be of what you are thinking about doing and then thinking about how that result might affect you.

Last night was the first meet up of H.O.P.E. It was my first attempt of organizing a meeting of the minds - a place to gather some great, inspirational thinkers who follow a similar path to purpose and examination of the wonders that surround all of us.

After the introductions, I noticed that we mostly shared a common thread of introspection and exhilaration from examining our reality. What a blast to share conversation and ideas with people who show up for life, who pay attention and feel gratitude for the opportunity!

Community is an awesome gift of sharing, brotherhood and support. My heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the meeting, and also to those who share of themselves every day and support others around them. Hey, that's you, my friend!

Great big cheerio for the examined life!  

Mindmapping is mind expanding!


As an organized person, I’m forever making lists of sorts. Discovered long ago that I learn best through visual stimulation. It seems to open my mind to even further possibilities when I map things out. For example; a couple years ago I remember mapping out various job possibilities that would suit me if the economy should strip me of my present nursing job in the cath lab. Although really not very likely to have happened, I still wanted to be prepared for the worst case scenario. And yes, healthcare is still doing fine and people are still having heart attacks. But the point is, I was a girl scout most of my younger years, and their motto has remained as one of my many mantras in life - “Be prepared.”

There are really so many practical and artistic/creative aspects to using mindmapping. The picture accompanying this post is a cool demonstration of creativity expressed through mapping.

“The Mind Map is the external mirror of your own radiant or natural thinking facilitated by a powerful graphic process, which provides the universal key to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain.”

So express your creative side; plot out your organized side; doodle your child within. It's all possible with programs like mindmapping. Guess I'd describe it as a cool tool to express yourself. Remember, you never have to color within the lines!

May 24, 2011

Does this make me look phat?


I read a post this morning from We are here to Inspire: 

"Things always look worse when you are tired and in fear, take a rest and look again when your mind is fresh and calm."

Our vision/outlook on things is often tainted by the mask we don or the veil of obscurity over our face. Some people choose to wear blinders to shield themselves from the external world. They choose not to look at the homeless, the poor, the infirm, abused animals/children. etc. Maybe it's a mask of success - always with the painted smile, fresh manicure, expensive clothing, stiff, unyielding, ritualistic movements that don't allow for expansion of who you really are. Or it could be a veil of black lace - goth-like vision. Everything appears dark and hidden from complete view. Ah, but then again, so are you. Your fragile vulnerability and innocence are well hidden behind that veil of obscurity. You might feel protected from judgement and observation because when I look at you, I don't see you. I see layers - lots of layers. To get to you is a lot of work.

Our inner environment/emotions slather our view as much, maybe more than our physical vision. It's a vicious circle when we look from the position of victim. Things will always appear oppressive, not fair, no good, etc. An open mind, a rested, healthy mind is a great canvas to soak up the wonders of inspiration and beauty that surround us. Any artist will tell you that you need to start with a clean slate to produce a masterpiece of your own creation. Otherwise, it's already tainted by another's perception. No originality, no individuality. 

May 16, 2011

Just do it!


“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”
~ Buddha

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.”
~ Author Unknown

Just do it! A catch phrase that Nike branded years ago that really says so much. Apathy, laziness and procrastination all sabotage our true potential as humans. We are capable of so much, if we will simply just get started. Something that really helps me is writing down my goals- short and long term. The weeks that I accomplish the most, are the ones that have a honey-do list attached to them. It’s a good feeling to strike through chores and activities on the list as things are getting done . We all enjoy the same amount of hours in each day; make the most of yours by choosing inactivity/relaxing or choosing positive action!

May 15, 2011

What message is imbedded in your rubber stamp?


I was just remembering back to grade school (seems like a lifetime ago) when my teachers would often use various rubber stamp messages on my work to convey to me a message of "well done" or "needs improvement." I remember taking those critiques/encouragements to heart and feeling elated with my efforts or even more determined to do better next time. I can even remember the names of my teachers as they really conveyed one important message to me always, "I care about you and want you to do better." We seem to remember the feeling we get from people more so than the specifics of what was said or how it was conveyed.

My Mom saved all my stuff from kindergarten until 12th grade and it's so cool to go through old report cards and papers I wrote. It's like a snapshot of my mind 40 years ago! The messages on my work is positive for the most part - a lot of encouragement from my teachers and lots of thanks to my Mom for helping out the teachers (and baking treats for the class).

Those stamps of approval sealed my destiny to always do better. I've felt nothing but encouragement throughout my life, and those personal messages, those stamps of recognition helped me to redefine my efforts in youth.

What kind of lasting impressions are you making on a young mind; or any mind? What messages are stamped into your being?

Remember that you're the Picasso of your own life. Feel the impressionist in yourself; soaking up inspiration and imprinting impressions on others around you!

May 13, 2011

Sobre mesa


My very good friend, Silvia has roots in Uruguay; thus she speaks fluent Spanish. I've noticed several differences in our family traditions and habits - direct results of our diverse culture exposure. I really enjoy the warmth and pace Silvia demonstrates on a daily basis; a glaring reminder to me of my "get it done" mentality. She seems to savor life in a way that compels my soul to dance to a different rhythm for a while; a much slower, sensual beat that allows for appreciation of the little things. Not that there's anything amiss with my flighty, upbeat tempo, I simply enjoy tuning into various positive frequencies that surround me as a smorgasbord of life's many fruits.

After dinner at my house one evening, I began to collect the used dishes and silverware from the table. I re corked the wine bottle and carried it back to the fridge. Then I heard these words, "No, leave the dishes on the table and the open bottle of wine. Sobre mesa." This phrase was foreign to me, having no previous exposure to Spanish. My furrowed brows must have said it all because I received a wonderful lesson in savoring, digesting and appreciating. It's a Spanish word with no equivalent in English I'm aware of. It refers to the time spent gathered around a table talking after a meal. Wow, I was called out on my hummingbird-like actions of cleaning up and not sitting still. I took the wine out of the fridge, popped the cork again and reflected on the flickering candle in the middle of the table while laughing and enjoying sobre mesa with a good friend.

Too often in life we rush through things without thought; we try to maximize our time by minimizing our relaxation, our down time. Benjamin Franklin said "Never confuse motion with action." It's an art to cultivate purposeful stillness. "The dirt can wait, life can't" was a saying of another good friend's Aunt in Maryland. Postpone chores to focus on what's really important.

So, the table is now set and my soul hungers for lingering a while in sobre mesa!

May 12, 2011

'll be happy when...............

This morning I read an interesting comment in Positive Inspiring Quotes:

The formula for happiness is simple. We don't need material wealth, a perfect job, or an exceptional relationship. In fact, it's possible to know happiness with no job, very little money, and no significant other. Happiness is a by-product of a healthy attitude. And a healthy attitude is one that takes the normal turmoil of life. I am in charge of my attitude today. Happiness is a choice I can make regardless of what the people around me are doing."
A Woman's Spirit by Karen Casey

Steve then commented: "Attitudes and actions generate one another, like chickens and eggs."

That's it - in an eggshell! It's a cycle of happiness, a state of mind that is replenished on a never-ending basis from our mindset - attitudes, then actions. It isn't a destination we reach after some milestone of having 2.2 children, retiring in the Hamptons, or losing 25 pounds. Happiness is indeed a by-product of a healthy attitude and sincere gratitude. It's a state of mind. If you're teetering between feeling complete joy always or feeling like you have mostly good days, but damn it, something always throws a wrench into your bliss.... Then it's high time to refocus on the cycle of happiness. That cycle can be interrupted by our mind chatter, not external situations; so happiness is found within, but can also be sabotaged from within. It's up to us to keep it in chick, I mean check!

May 11, 2011

‎5, 4, 3, 2, ... 7 ?

Things aren't always what they seem; and expectations aren't always predictors of what comes next. Living alone without children enables me a pretty calm and mostly predictable household. I relish the frequent visits from my neighbor's 4 year old, Riah. He is a bright, happy and considerate child who seems to adore me and my dog, Karma. Today Riah wanted to play "seeds" so we scattered colored puff balls all over the floor and pretended to plant them and watch them grow. At the end of our play session, he helped me pick up the puff balls and put them into a container - a rocketship! As I was casually picking up seeds and putting them into the rocketship, a countdown started in a loud voice. I began to hurry so I wouldn't miss blast off of the container as there were lots of seeds remaining. I was counting with him in my mind; expecting to miss capturing all of the seeds today.
5, 4, 3, 2, ..7, 8, 9, 10 - what? Oh, this count down is not what I expected! *Lesson learned this evening from a 4 year old child*

Pay attention to what is going on right now
and stop expecting the usual - that's too predictable and boring!
Just play!

May 10, 2011

Peace by piece, we put it all together!


I just read a post about a comment Princess Diana made many years ago "I don't want expensive gifts; I don't want to be bought. I have everything I want. I want want someoone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure." Princess Diana

This immediately evoked a thought from me - everybo
dy wanted a piece of her! No wonder she had those feelings! At her disposal was any "thing" she desired. Jewels, cars, trips, clothes, etc. What the human soul craves more than stuff is sustenance - that which is intangible/priceless. Warmth, compassion, love, touch, honesty, sharing, encouragement - the human element. I've often thought about the very wealthy and famous - in a different way than wanting a piece of them. How do they really know who cares about them, is interested in who they are; not what they are? Do they feel guarded at all times and lack trust? Can they really be who they are - or who we want them to be? Is their plight then a blessing or a burden - on their humanity? Now don't you feel like one of the richest (in spirit- what counts, anyway) people in the world? 

May 9, 2011

"I wanna ride it all night long"......................


“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” Lou Holtz

If life is a highway, and I'm gonna ride it all night long, then you betcha I'm not cruising along in first gear! Coasting along in "automatic mode" is an easy response to life's ever-changing highways. It easily becomes an ingrained habitual response pattern when the rut grows deep enough. The open road can easily be likened to life; we're unsure of what lies ahead - like curves, bumps, overpasses, tunnels, huge pot holes, deer crossing, an accident, is it a dead end? The road is only 10 percent - your driving style, choices, speed, agility and reaction time - there's the other 90 percent! That's what creates your driving experience! We must never forget that we are in the drivers seat. Although we have no control over the road itself, we determine the direction of our vehicle and (sometimes) the mileage we get out of it!

May 8, 2011

"It's been there all the time, you just weren't paying attention!" my Mom's coworker 1977

"Divinity" starts with the letter D.
So does the word "Details."

Many years ago my Mom worked for the IRS;  I won't forget a lesson she learned one day at work.   It was a particularly warm Philadelphia afternoon and the windows were wide open at the IRS building.  There was a lot of commotion outside of the main building as construction was well underway for expansion.  The usual silence that surrounded the workplace was interrupted with dueling jackhammers.  Mom said it was simply annoying.  There was no escaping the random explosion of crushing concrete.  Toward the end of her shift,  the construction had ceased and the jackhammers were quietly resting on the ground.  Mom stepped into the elevator;  preparing to leave work for the day.  Her ears still ringing from the clammer of the day, she noticed there was soft music playing in the elevator that day.  "How lovely",  she thought.  "They're blasting us with noise all day, then making up for it with music in the elevator."  Mom turned to a coworker in the elevator and asked, "When did they start playing music in the elevators for us?"   The coworker answered,  "Ruth,  the music has been piped into the elevators for years now.  It's been there all the time, you just weren't paying attention to it."   Mom turned this small event into a learning experience for me at 12 years of age.  She explained to me how we tend to overlook the usual pleasantries of life and focus on the obvious annoyances that come our way.  Sometimes comfort can cushion awareness and stress can tunnel our vision.  

About face!


"It's not what you say, it's how you say it."  folk wisdom

An interesting experiment took place in various churches recently.  People were asked to observe a sermon without any sound.  The preachers were all pretty much charismatic and expressive in nature, giving passionate messages of salvation and redemption, God's love and peace in the world.  Funny thing was, without sound accompanying the message, the translation was scrambled tremendously through different delivery styles.  Some of the preachers actually appeared to be outraged and angry, disappointed and questioning,  even hostile.  A very good point was made with this type of evaluation - we need to become more aware of our delivery platform; of our facial expressions and body language.  Our words should be chosen wisely, and our body language needs to follow accordingly for the two to correlate.  It's our saving grace,  our expressive face!

Pause for the cause!


“Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.”

William Arthur Ward

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."

Napoleon Hill

One of the most obvious and significant attributes of humans is the ability to communicate through speech. An interesting corollary is that we can also communicate our thoughts in real time; we do not need to plan what we’re going to say before we say it. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It would be clearly undesirable for us to have to formulate our thoughts before we issue an immediate warning ("run!") and communication would be dramatically slowed if we were unable to respond, naturally, to people in normal conversation.

On the other hand, this innate ability is often the source of consternation when what we say on the spur of the moment is something we later wish we had either not said, or said differently; it happens to everyone, sometimes, the trick is to remember when. Typically, this happens when we are responding quickly in stressful situations, or during confrontation, although it can happen at any time. Recognizing that we do not always say what we would like to communicate is an important realization – how to help mitigate that issue is not complex, but does require some behavioral changes. The goal is to be aware of when to talk naturally and fluidly, and when to think before we speak... and when not to speak at all.

Do you hear what I hear?


“It is the province of knowledge to speak And it is the privilege of wisdom to listen. -Oliver Wendell Holmes.”

Communication has changed immensely over the years; becoming (among other things) instantaneous, abbreviated, impersonal at times, and hasty delivery.  Listening has even changed over the years.  
“You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time. -M. Scott Peck.”  Multitasking (if there is such a thing) of driving, texting, putting on mascara, changing the radio station while listening to your child speak about their day at school puts a whole new spin on effective communication today.  This is only my observation.  I also observe tremendous orators and listeners of today; but they seem to be the exception, not the norm.  The great philosophers of yesteryear, the one's we often pull wisdom from, spent much time thinking/analyzing and paying attention to the world they lived in.  Their efforts were spent in realization, not taking shortcuts to reach an end result.    
“Curiosity is as much the parent of attention, as attention is of memory.”  Richard Whately
"When we continue to pay attention and truly listen to others; we're displaying our curious nature"  - Curious George  (well, okay, it was me, but Curious George sounded better)    :)