May 1, 2011

Upgrade your operating system!

My 5 year old computer was slowly and sneakily slowing down. It took longer and longer to boot up, load a program, and even simple word processing. I guess it happened so gradually that I became accustomed to it's sluggishness. Not unlike our mindset, our own personal operating system. It can become so overloaded with information, so behind the times with new ideas and fresh perspectives. A bit too stagnant because that never-ending flow of curiosity and enthusiasm seemed to wither away and atrophy as you left childhood, or maybe even after marriage. My point is that atrophy occurs rather slowly and systematically. Systems begin to slow or shut down in a progression, causing the operator to adjust or adapt to them. Similar to the frog in hot water theory. If a live frog is placed in tepid water that is slowly made hotter and hotter until it reaches boiling point, that frog is content to stay put in the water as the temperature change is so gradual that it barely notices. If a live frog is placed in very hot water, it will leap out of the pot immediately - ouch. Part of that wonderful defense mechanism that keeps us out of harms way. Maybe it's time to scan your own operating system to see if there are any areas of virus, stagnation or poor quality that could use an upgrade like stimulating reading material, interesting tv specials, retreats, online course, meditation, etc. There's lots of free apps out there just waiting for your download!

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