May 1, 2011

Reach for the higher fruit!

The other day I stopped by a friend's house to pick some grapefruit from her huge tree. I enjoy making fresh squeezed grapefruit juice every morning as the citrus has been in season for a while now. Dana's tree produces some of the best red grapefruit I've ever tasted. Of course, they're organic and fertilized with love. There were many smaller fruits dangling at eye level, easily reached and harvested for my kitchen. I began to pick these smaller fruits and put them into a canvas bag. Dana walked over to me with a long device called a citrus picker. She showed me how to extend it toward the top of the tree where the larger, juicier and more flavorful fruit grew. We removed so many huge, beautiful fruits that my bag exploded with color. I'm so glad that there is actually a device to help me reach that high-hanging fruit so easily. It never really occurred to me to even try as the smaller fruit below was so plentiful. The large fruit that showered the tree top was acting as a shade to the smaller fruit below it, dampening the flourishing effects of the sunshine. If I had only looked to what was easily within my reach, I would have missed out on the benefits of the most glorious fruit. It seems we need the assistance of other people, step ladders, and other devices to reach that unreachable goal. The important thing to remember is that the path of least resistance is not always your most beneficial course of travel. Continue to reach for more!

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