August 31, 2011

You Make the Call for choices in your life!


“If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Proverbs 

"When the world brings you to your knees You're in the perfect position to pray." unknown 

 I recall watching a tv show when I was younger where the announcer would show a clip of video and the contestant was chosen to ‘make the call’ for what action came next in the video. Based on the current situations, comic, tragic or otherwise, the participant would make the call for their reaction; their response - what event came next. 

 Interestingly, the audience 'best guess' of the sequence of events was not always straight forward and correct. 

The point being, things aren't always what they seem, and things don't always happen as planned. 

Rather than struggle with trying to smooth out the externals, the biggest rewards come from fostering our internal wisdom and acceptance!

 So when you’re flying with turkeys, handed lemons or brought to your knees, remember......

 ‘You make the call’ of how you move forward with what you've been given!

August 30, 2011

Messages in Messes


“Sometimes the greatest messages come out of the greatest messes.” Steve Maraboli 

 It seems that this message has much more significance when it’s delivered by a wreck-ining force!

 Lessons are most effective and memorable when we must ‘change’ our placid ways to deal with a challenge. 

It can be likened to passive learning, like watching a movie about the Titanic versus active learning, actually smashing deck chairs into planks to construct a make shift raft while the ship is sinking and the ocean is engulfing your ankles. 

You can get a mental image of both circumstances, but the second scenario holds much more emotional charge and actually imprints your memory. 

To walk away from a tragedy and feel gratitude for the experience, the lessons, the flood of emotional growth, leaves you very different than you ever were before. 

To then go on to help others navigate their storm is a gift - to both the person in need, and to the survivor-comforter. ❀

August 29, 2011

Grateful heart!


We see reminders of gratitude everywhere (we look)! 

They're witnessed in beauty itself, they're brought to the surface in feeling compassion for another! 

Gratitude can arise from the ashes of despair, it can flourish on top of your highest mountaintop of success! 

You can feel gratitude for yesterday, today and tomorrow! A grateful heart originates from within, it has little to do with what is outside! ❀

August 27, 2011

Cream puff


Funny how just showing a little kindness, even simply interest or attention, can transform even the crustiest person into a cream puff! 

 When others warn you about avoiding a crabby, nasty person, try dousing them with sweetness and attention - I find it works wonders on even the hardest of hearts.

 Remember that most people’s initial reaction to this type of person is avoidance; why not offer them something a little different?

 After all, you catch more flies with honey, rather than vinegar! 

Transform a hardened heart and feel the magic! ❀

August 26, 2011

"Enjoy where you're at On the way to where you're going!" Joyce Meyer


We're all on some sort of yellow brick road; following a path of promise and dreams. 

This path might be inspired by the media, story books, your parents, movie stars, friends, or maybe your own personal idea of a brighter tomorrow.

 The 'path' starts when you determine it's existence! Then it either continues - winding majestically and awe-inspiring! Or maybe it stops short inside of a dark, scary forest? 

 Remember, this 'yellow brick road' is your creation! You are the grounds keeper for this path - improving on it's ease of passage and noticing the many side roads of opportunity and bliss! 

 Enjoy your journey! ❀ Joan

August 21, 2011

People create distinctions out of their own minds


In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west. People create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.  Buddha 

 People can create lots of boundaries, many shades of separation and distinction. Many people create these little boxes of'perfection' in their lives, of right and wrong, good and bad, their way or the highway. 

We all like to think that we are right, that we've realized the true path, the correct way to live and think. The proper way to handle situations and treat other people. 

 The criminal justice system is a perfect example of an entity doling out decisions based on a pre set value system of right/wrong, good/bad, breaking mandated laws (those laws which are deemed to be fair and just according to a group of individuals).

 Airplanes would have difficulty safely navigating the open skies without compass direction, and the streets wouldn't be as safe without legal authority enforcing (deemed) wrong behavior. 

Yet, an artist or composer wouldn't be able to create an outstanding masterpiece if his or her mind was caught up in the 'separation' existence of reality. 

A Mother can offer her child the hope of a boundless future with limitless vision.

Your outlook, your inner reality, is your choice - your belief, your creation!

August 20, 2011

"Every master was once a disaster. You can learn to be great at anything!" T. Harv Eker


I bought this small, hidden gem at a thrift store last week - a new box of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Cards” by T. Harv Eker. 

It’s a 50 card deck with tons of nuggets of wisdom and inspiration. Saw the above quote on one of the cards and just had to post it today.

 We’re all perfect as we are, but share the same capability to grow, prosper, excel, teach, etc. Most anything we can imagine is attainable if that thought is completed by our actions, faith and positive mindset!

August 17, 2011

My 'knowing' friend


"The best kind of friends, Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, Never say a word,And then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had." Unknown 

 That kind of 'knowing' relationship; the acceptance, relating to, commonalities of thought process, similar wave length - what an awesome bond! 

It's forged from love, patience, time, repetition, support, giving and sharing! 

Just can't put a price on something like that! All the money in the world can't buy you a bond like that, it must first be established, then nourished, until flourished!

August 15, 2011

Thank you for being a friend!


He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is so true! Every friend offers unique love, hope, wisdom, sharing... Friends are not a collection, not replaceable - cherished! 

A perceived enemy relationship harbors so much resentment, venom, anger, and a multitude of other nasty feelings that are witnessed everywhere they go - because there's no escaping yourself and your emotions! 

 I feel blessed to have many wonderful friends who infuse their own individual wonders into my reality!

August 14, 2011

Creator inside!


Shh, can your hear it? Your every cell is celebrating another day, full of promise! 

 No matter where you are located in this world, just waking up, or lying down to sleep - You set the tone for whatever follows. 

Your mind can create, orchestrate and support just about anything you can imagine!  

Your life is your creation, regardless of genetics, geographical location, poverty, isolation, extreme wealth, or situation. 

Like a great symphony or masterpiece work of art, you are an expression of the creator inside!

August 13, 2011

Love like there’s no tomorrow; know today!

                                        photo by

Peace and satisfaction are realized when you’re comfortable and acquainted with the now. 

It’s here, always has been. Kind of like the faithful sun that rises and sets without fail, regardless of your observation or appreciation - it’s always there! 

The spectacular nature of your kids, your good friend, an old nursing home resident - it’s always there, if you could only slow down the pace of your mind to recognize it! 

Some of us are so caught up with the past that we cling tightly to a distant memory that keeps our passion from moving forward and enjoying the new that is abundant everywhere around us! 

The good old days, the way we were, if only............. Some of us are fixated on what the future holds, the possibility it could bring our muted souls.

 Maybe we fear the future because there are so many changes occurring, and we are comfortable right now. Time and change will only rain on your parade. 

Maybe you see tomorrow as the answer to where you are today, your salvation from today. 

 Regardless of your outlook on where you are today, where you were yesterday, or where you’re going tomorrow, you now have today. 

It’s here now - not a dream or beautiful memory, not a possibility of a brighter tomorrow. I see the sun now rising outside my window and think to myself, thank you (God) for another day! 

For another go around to enjoy my beautiful memories of yesterday, make plans for a prosperous tomorrow, but most importantly, to savor the essence and variety of today!

August 12, 2011

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." ~Anonymous


When things are uncertain and you're not sure which way to go reach out to lift the curtain see the smiles, then you'll know......

 Everything is alright, my friend!

August 9, 2011

One bite at a time!

One bite at a time, that's how to eat an elephant!

Never let the task at hand overwhelm. or overshadow your spirit to move forward and take action!

Today is tomorrow's yesterday! Picture it completed, already and enjoy your moments - one bite at a time!

The art of making a mistake...............


This quote is taken from an investing book, but applies to all aspects of your life!

“To be successful in the real world of business, you have to be school smart as well as street smart. In school, you’re given the lesson first. On the street, you’re given the mistake first and then it’s up to you to find the lesson. Since most people have not been taught how to make mistakes and learn from them, they either avoid mistakes altogether, which is a bigger mistake, or they make a mistake but fail to find the lesson from it. That is why you see so many people making the same mistake over and over again.”

“I am so rich because I’ve made more financial mistakes than most people. Each time I made a mistake, I learned something new. In the business world, that something new is often called ‘experience’. But experience is not enough. If a person truly learns from a mistake, his or her life changes forever, and what the person gains instead of experience, is ‘wisdom’.

excerpt from “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing”
Robert Kiyosaki

August 7, 2011

What a wonderful World!


If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as others see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are.— B.A. Billingsly

The movie "It's a wonderful life" is a most excellent example of just this principle at work. That's why we all love George Bailey so much and treasure this film - because it would be so cool if something like
that could happen for us! I'd love to hang out with Clarence and gain new perspective into how wonderful and important our presence in the lives of others really is! Most every action has a reaction, causing a domino like cascade of effect, a butterfly effect! You are so important and impact so much, on so many levels!

"And I say to myself, what a wonderful world!"

August 3, 2011

Change is a good thing!

Don't be afraid to change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.
saw this at Peace Love and Wisdom

The one certainty is the result. By doing the same thing repeatedly, avoiding change and redirection, we are committing ourselves to the same results. Change is a cool thing, it costs nothing, yet can offer you the most outrageous outcomes! Simply driving home a differ
ent route will show you other possibilities, you'll encounter new faces, new opportunities. Change is just that - it’s different, we’re not wearing that comfortable shoe anymore. Sometimes change can feel awkward and difficult; that’s because we are creatures of habit. Then dinosaur was a creature of habit. The butterfly, now she’s a budding example of the quick-change master! Aspire to break free from routine and float beautifully through life! ⌘⌘⌘

August 2, 2011

Happy Trails!

"Two Places Are Most Valuable in This World:

The Nicest Place to be is in Someone’s Thoughts and The Safest Place is to be in Someone’s Prayers." (unknown)

Saw this quote on Lessons Learned In Life wall today.

We can all travel to the nicest place in the world - it's absolutely free of charge and has no physical limits or barriers to getting there! Everyone, regardless of circumstance, finance, physical limitations, or imprisonment can reach such a destination.

In this case, the destination really is all about your journey!

Happy trails, my friends!

What are you chasing?


“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
A. J. Reb Materi

Sometimes the quest for the latter, leaves one longing for the former.

Your course in life is defined by choices, priorities and reactions to those things in which we actually do have little or no control. Your choices (or lack of choice) are cumulative and impact your life profoundly. Making the same choices repeatedly will yield similar results, ultimately.

It might just be time to redefine the carrot you are chasing. You may be sacrificing much in a quest to achieve - regret........

Body talk!

How you present yourself via posture, facial expression, even mental state is reflected back to you by others in their perception/reaction to your 'state' or energy. Your body language is spoken 24/7 and is understood by all. Without speaking a word, you're communicating volumes.