May 11, 2011

‎5, 4, 3, 2, ... 7 ?

Things aren't always what they seem; and expectations aren't always predictors of what comes next. Living alone without children enables me a pretty calm and mostly predictable household. I relish the frequent visits from my neighbor's 4 year old, Riah. He is a bright, happy and considerate child who seems to adore me and my dog, Karma. Today Riah wanted to play "seeds" so we scattered colored puff balls all over the floor and pretended to plant them and watch them grow. At the end of our play session, he helped me pick up the puff balls and put them into a container - a rocketship! As I was casually picking up seeds and putting them into the rocketship, a countdown started in a loud voice. I began to hurry so I wouldn't miss blast off of the container as there were lots of seeds remaining. I was counting with him in my mind; expecting to miss capturing all of the seeds today.
5, 4, 3, 2, ..7, 8, 9, 10 - what? Oh, this count down is not what I expected! *Lesson learned this evening from a 4 year old child*

Pay attention to what is going on right now
and stop expecting the usual - that's too predictable and boring!
Just play!

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