May 13, 2011

Sobre mesa


My very good friend, Silvia has roots in Uruguay; thus she speaks fluent Spanish. I've noticed several differences in our family traditions and habits - direct results of our diverse culture exposure. I really enjoy the warmth and pace Silvia demonstrates on a daily basis; a glaring reminder to me of my "get it done" mentality. She seems to savor life in a way that compels my soul to dance to a different rhythm for a while; a much slower, sensual beat that allows for appreciation of the little things. Not that there's anything amiss with my flighty, upbeat tempo, I simply enjoy tuning into various positive frequencies that surround me as a smorgasbord of life's many fruits.

After dinner at my house one evening, I began to collect the used dishes and silverware from the table. I re corked the wine bottle and carried it back to the fridge. Then I heard these words, "No, leave the dishes on the table and the open bottle of wine. Sobre mesa." This phrase was foreign to me, having no previous exposure to Spanish. My furrowed brows must have said it all because I received a wonderful lesson in savoring, digesting and appreciating. It's a Spanish word with no equivalent in English I'm aware of. It refers to the time spent gathered around a table talking after a meal. Wow, I was called out on my hummingbird-like actions of cleaning up and not sitting still. I took the wine out of the fridge, popped the cork again and reflected on the flickering candle in the middle of the table while laughing and enjoying sobre mesa with a good friend.

Too often in life we rush through things without thought; we try to maximize our time by minimizing our relaxation, our down time. Benjamin Franklin said "Never confuse motion with action." It's an art to cultivate purposeful stillness. "The dirt can wait, life can't" was a saying of another good friend's Aunt in Maryland. Postpone chores to focus on what's really important.

So, the table is now set and my soul hungers for lingering a while in sobre mesa!

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