June 1, 2011

It’s Nice to Be Important, But It’s More Important to Be Nice Cassis, John


This quote speaks to the importance of good manners, always, in any situation. We all know that deep down we’re all equal, but there are always going to be people who deem themselves as having supreme importance and unfortunately missed the boat when good manners were distributed. This type of person can methodically erode the self esteem of a susceptible host, if given the chance. The key here is remembering who you are, followed by pausing to reflect on your interaction with an inflated ego. You are just as important and loved as any other! Your value does not change because you are lacking the same education, financial assets or titles as another. Another’s (mental) position of elevation over the rest of society is just that, their own mental distortion. 

It’s so important to stay grounded and remember who you are. You aren’t your surroundings and can’t control the positivity (or sensitivity) of those around you. You certainly have control over your own reactions and words, though. Don’t mistake silence for weakness (on your part) as it takes strength and courage. 

Always remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect them for who they are don't try to change them. Even though some people may not be nice to you at first, they should come around eventually.

The key to being nice is remembering that you are not "better" than someone else. You're an individual, but everybody has their struggles, and being nice to one another makes life better for everyone!

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