June 20, 2011

Bystander vs Lifesaver - Preparation Makes the Difference!


The use of CPR dates way back to 1740, yet, even today, most Americans do not know how to perform it.  Given properly and immediately to cardiac arrest and drowning/choking victims, CPR can save lives.  If you have loved ones, children, neighbors, friends - you really should learn this simple technique that can and will save lives.  Please don’t be intimidated or think ‘someone else’ will ‘do it’.  In an emergency like heart attack, drowning, electrocution, choking, stroke, etc. CPR and basic first aid are invaluable tools to have in your arsenal.  
“Time is muscle’ is a saying we have in cardiac medicine regarding heart attacks (acute MI).  It applies to ‘time is brain’ also regarding a stroke (CVA).  Once the ‘event’ begins, whether it be a blood clot, ruptured plaque, or arrhythmia, ischemia (lack of oxygen to the muscle - heart or brain) sets in and ‘muscle death’ begins.  As more time passes, more muscle damage occurs - unless there is intervention!  That’s where you can make the difference for another.
I’m a nurse in the cath lab (stents in arteries) and have seen firsthand the result of delayed CPR because “the paramedics are on the way.”   A call to 911 is imperative, but immediate CPR makes the difference between quality of life/ survival and being left with deficits.  You can make a huge difference in the life of another!
I urge you to make time to learn first aid/ CPR!  Your local Red Cross or hospital can help you get started and it will be time well spent to help another in need.  
The American Heart Association    Find a CPR class near you

1 comment:

  1. Getting CPR certified is one of the things that everyone should do at one point in their lives. It does look like a minute thing but one that could save your life. In a life and death situation, knowing how to perform CPR may just be the difference between whether you die or live. CPR certification in Denver is important when you want to be a fireman, a babysitter, pool attendant etc.
