April 20, 2011

Don't be Shy, just Try.........

Don't be Shy,  just Try........

Nike said it well, "just do it!" " Every journey begins with a single step." "In spite of your fear, do what you have to do." “No one would ever have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship during the storms.” There are lots of ways to say it, but only action leads the way. There are many ways ...to think about doing something meaningful, and oh so many ways to convince yourself to do it later, when the timing is just right. There's a saying we use in the investment arena, "analysis paralysis". We tend to over analyze to the point of paralysis and fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking stupid, fear of not nailing something the first time because it's new to us. Sports figures Michael Jordon and Wayne Gretzky both credit their successes to the relentless pursuit of shooting goals, realizing that some will be missed. Jordon missed shots because he was willing to take them. Are you willing to take the shots that will help you succeed in your goals?


  1. Yes! I'm willing to take the shot even if I miss. I will keep aiming for the goal because the fun is in the playing of the game, not in the winning or losing.

  2. Yes, it is Laura. Thanks for your comment and diligence of happiness!
