May 15, 2011

What message is imbedded in your rubber stamp?


I was just remembering back to grade school (seems like a lifetime ago) when my teachers would often use various rubber stamp messages on my work to convey to me a message of "well done" or "needs improvement." I remember taking those critiques/encouragements to heart and feeling elated with my efforts or even more determined to do better next time. I can even remember the names of my teachers as they really conveyed one important message to me always, "I care about you and want you to do better." We seem to remember the feeling we get from people more so than the specifics of what was said or how it was conveyed.

My Mom saved all my stuff from kindergarten until 12th grade and it's so cool to go through old report cards and papers I wrote. It's like a snapshot of my mind 40 years ago! The messages on my work is positive for the most part - a lot of encouragement from my teachers and lots of thanks to my Mom for helping out the teachers (and baking treats for the class).

Those stamps of approval sealed my destiny to always do better. I've felt nothing but encouragement throughout my life, and those personal messages, those stamps of recognition helped me to redefine my efforts in youth.

What kind of lasting impressions are you making on a young mind; or any mind? What messages are stamped into your being?

Remember that you're the Picasso of your own life. Feel the impressionist in yourself; soaking up inspiration and imprinting impressions on others around you!

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