May 29, 2011


In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." 

It was 1933, the great depression had reached it's depth and president-elect Roosevelt reminded Americans that the nation's present difficulties concerned only material things; the morale/spirit remains resilient. Profound quote from our former President in desperate financial times!

Fear blinds the sighted
and maims the physically able
Fear scrambles the clearest mind
and levels the highest climber
Fear tarnishes ambitions
and polishes doubts
Fear crushes optimism
and supports greed.

Fear can feel so consuming and flourishes when we feed it daily. Fear is opportunistic and searches for cracks (doubt) in one's foundation to creep in and take over, much like a weed or virus.

The big fears actually have little daily impact on our state of mind, our well being. Fear of being eaten by a shark, or caught in a burning building, or losing a job, or money, or whatever.... These are fear-based thoughts that don't usually drive your daily actions or thoughts. Worry about little things will consume your mind with "what if's" and constant doubts and negative emotions. Worry is like an erosion of the soul. It wears it down by constantly repeating oppressive ideas - I’ll never be good enough, I might catch cold if I go outside, it doesn't matter anyway 'cause I have bad luck, etc. 

Worry is very dangerous as it purrs like a kitten, but devours like a lion.

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