July 30, 2011



“When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out – because that’s what’s inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside.”
Wayne Dyer

It's easy to be charitable and merry, full of cheer at the holidays and other times of celebration. Our internal world is responding to the external bliss! When the external world tu
rns stormy and puts the squeeze on us, is when we discover what’s really inside of us. What we are made up of, what we have the potential to overcome and triumph!
We are so much more than our situation, our present circumstance in life.

It also shows us our capacity too! When we may feel like there's nothing left to bleed from us, yet another tear rolls down our cheek. Reminding us that we are still full of life - we hold the potential to over come and conquer.

When life squeezes you, what are you pouring out into the world?

July 28, 2011

“Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little.” -Cheng Yen

This quote 'grabbed' me this morning as it 'speaks' to my soul. Being attached to the outcome of a terrible event, looking for the 'right' or 'fair' end result, leaves one feeling desperate, like a victim, like a crusader of their own justice. 

The best way to get past this, is to get past this.” When we are emotionally attached to an outcome, a 'right' answer to a perceived wrong situation, we aren't really happy. We are not in harmony/balance and receptive to the many blessings that surround us.

The end result will be the same, whether we worry ourselves sick over it, or whether we release it totally. This understanding does not come immediately, is not easy to do - but feels amazing, like a flood of peace and calm.

"Let go, let God" May His peace be with you! ㉦

July 26, 2011

I will follow.........

Thank you Life is beautiful. ~love~laugh~live for this inspirational post:

"Never try to FORCE yourself into a person's life.If YOU ARE meant to be there, you will FIT with no complications."

Some of my greatest lessons in life come from trying to 'force the hand' of fate. From hearing only what I want to hear. From not listening to that small voice inside, guiding me effortlessly through life. From thinking that I know what's best for me, not paying attention to the cues around me. Now, when my inner voice speaks, I will follow...................

July 25, 2011

Inside out!


A donkey with a load of holy books is still a donkey. ---Traditional (Essential Sufism)

From the inside out, that’s how it’s done.
What we surround ourselves with has little to do with what breathes inside of us.
The soul is foundation for all - the choices we make can either smother it or foster it’s emergence.

We live - inside out!

July 24, 2011

Frugal garden markers


A fun family idea is planting a garden together! Small spaces work just fine, even a balcony can have it’s own small garden. A great way to get the kids involved in learning about the food they eat, is by encouraging them to tend to a garden and harvest it’s bounty. A good motivator for kids is making it personal for them. By utilizing old venetian blinds, kids can create their own garden markers. Cut the blind about a foot long and cut a point on one end.
Kids can then paint, magic marker, or paste photos onto them to indicate what kind of produce was planted. A wonderful way to teach kids about the foods they eat and responsibility!

Have fun creating your garden markers together! 

Rain on the just and unjust

Saw this photo just about the time I heard something on the radio from Michele Longo O'Donnell.

"So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45

We all face challenges in life; sometimes we perceive it as unfair because we're not 'deserving' of such turmoil and conflict. It can be so easy to focus on the rains, yet overlook the rising sun.

These words caused me to question my stance on justice and perception of what is fair in this world.

Rather than looking down during my rainstorm, I choose to look up for the rising sun that is just ahead. ☼ ☂ ☀

July 23, 2011



Being a very patient person has allowed me the 'time' that my friends say they long for. We all have the same amount of minutes, hours in each day. I guess that I focus more on the here and now, rather than being impatient with 'right now', looking forward to 'vacation' or what ever other distraction is ahead.

Your life is not a ba
d movie; one you can fast forward or skip through to get to the good part. There are many lessons in heart ache. Much emotional growth from trouble shooting problems and coming through them.
If you haven’t yet watched the movie ‘Click’ with Adam Sandler, I highly recommend it as a life lesson in appreciating the here and now, regardless of circumstance. Funny in presentation, but powerful in meaning.

There is no rewind button to re live any moment in your life. Remember to not rush through it, there is no ‘life tivo’. 

July 22, 2011

Be your own cheerleader!


Remember that it only takes a small dose of poison to do harm or kill. One negative comment, or discouraging word could kill a dream.

This also applies to our self talk. The person who we talk to the most is ourself! We often pay little attention to how we talk to ourselves by saying things like 'I'm stupid, I'm no good' etc. Be as 
kind to your self as you are toward others. Remember to be your own cheerleader, too! ❁

July 21, 2011

Diamond in the rough


"When we are under the pressure of crisis and feel like life is grinding us, that is when we are actually being polished. Our inner strengths, our real fortitude and potential are realized and brought to the surface. One's lens of life, or perspective can be focused on the turmoil that pushes one down, or the inner power that manifests as the result. A beautiful diamond starts as a dull stone that faces much polishing and cutting. The end result is an unveiling of a most precious gem!"

July 20, 2011

"Trust in God and tie up your camel!"


"Trust in God, but tie up your camel"
                 Arab proverb

One well known story involves a seeker of truth who approached a spiritual master with a serious question:
"Should I trust in God, or should I tie up my camel?"
The answer:

"Trust in God and tie up your camel!"

Just read an interesting article about this Arabic quote that made the case for political liberals using the same elements of this equation, but flipping it around. The creed comes out more like:

“Trust in your camel and tie up God.” 

This statement was made based on the banning of school prayer, eliminating the Ten Commandments from courthouse walls, not saying Merry Christmas anymore, legal battles to remove the words ‘in God we trust from the US dollar. 

The great thing is this - I know that everyone here is called to a much higher standard than ‘trusting in their camel’ and ‘tying up God’. The hope for a brighter future of respect and human love is just ahead of us! 

Can I hear somebody second my emotion?

July 19, 2011


                                                                                                       lifedev .net

"To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the waterexhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter...to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or awildflower in spring -- these are some of the rewards of the simple life." - John Burroughs

The wo
rld is really then seen through calm, appreciative eyes. Fear (of loss) and greed (for more) are concepts you can read about in a book, but are foreign to your soul. You have everything you need, and most of what you want. Satisfaction is your shadow. Peace and worry are polar opposites for you. Your choices, your thoughts and actions are congruent with peace and harmony. You hunger for rich experiences that feed your soul life nourishment. Powered by hopes and dreams, gratitude and inner peace. 

You are magnificent! 

July 16, 2011

Wherever you go, There you are!


Tell me why you think it’s unfair that you reap what you sow

Because I don’t know what I don’t know

How do you plan on getting to where you want to go?

Just keep on doin’ what I’m doin’, I’m bound to grow

So, you keep doing the same, expecting to see...

Different outcomes, better living, new opportunity

That’s right, I deserve all that you’ve earned

I want it today, minus the hard lessons you’ve learned

But the hardships made me strong, giving me balance and latitude

To open my heart to the essence of gratitude

I’m thankful for my journey, my joys and my tears

The years in my life, the life in my years

I don’t understand you, think I’ll move over there

To get away from the freaks, who think everything’s fair

You may change your location, surround yourself anew

But there is no escaping your ego, your mind - YOU

July 14, 2011

Keeping it real


Are you keeping it real?

When we rush through our days and never pause to evaluate our present path, our expression of purpose, we may find, upon examination, that we have drifted away from our purpose. We are not in congruence with our true self. 

This drifting off course can occur slowly and go un noticed - even become ‘routine’ as we conform to situations around us on a daily basis. 

Sometimes it’s good to stop and re evaluate your inner feelings; listen to that small voice that has been replaced with noise and hustle.

July 13, 2011

High Hopes!


Just what makes that little, ol’ ant
think he can move that rubber tree plant?

It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not. ~Denis Waitley

Doubt is so very counter productive to moving forward. Practice quieting that ever-present, nagging voice that says you're not enough, you'll never be able to do that. Become your own cheerleader; mirror the little 'ol ant - rock your world with high hopes!

July 8, 2011

Who are you?


"Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed - borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves." -Osho

We're projecting opinions, expectations, ideas on other people - who then might try to realize it, or maybe rebel against it. All the while, never stopping to appreciate, cultivate or realize who we really are. As we
admire and emulate another’s qualities, so too, do others. So it really can come full circle - you may be trying to be like - yourself, anyway. By keeping it simple, looking within yourself, your essence shines through brightly.

Don't hold yourself to the standards of another, or jump through hoops they have created for themselves. That only results in disappointment and disillusionment.

When you pay attention to your self as much as you do media sensations, headline stories, stock market, etc, you become much more aware - more in tune with the song in your heart. That's when you can follow the beat of your own drummer and flourish where you are!

July 6, 2011

Common Knowledge


Today I find that I’m trying to combat common knowledge.

Children have got this advantage over adults - they’re not yet bogged down and limited by ‘common knowledge’. Kids are so present - everything’s on the table for them. They see life in a colorful kaleidoscope of possibility and adventure. As they get older, this world is all too eager to impart its ‘common knowledge’ on them. Dictating what is really possible, and what’s not.

Whether it’s the economy, healthcare, finances/debt, business, politics, or even the decisions you make in you day-to-day life, you’ll probably come across people who are more than willing to offer you their well-intentioned advice. Their impressive titles, fancy college degrees and years of experience will probably entice you to listen to them. Know what? They’re not always right, and it’s always your choice whether or not to believe their advice.

Sometimes, it's as simple as quieting your mind, going 'within' and being patient to hear the answers.

Beware of common knowledge. It’s a recipe for common results.

July 5, 2011

Why can't we be friends?


"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission"
Eleanor Roosevelt

Sheena, a 12 year old African Leopard was brought to the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire from a UK zoo when she was just 4 months old. A remarkable scene was captured by a photography student, Casey Gutteridge, during feeding time of the big 

Gutteridge said, “ I have no idea where the mouse came from - he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard.”

“He didn’t take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.”

The leopard was pretty surprised - she bent down, sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit, like she was scared. In the meantime, the mouse simply carried on like nothing had happened!

Project owner, Jackie James added, “It was so funny to see - Sheena nudged the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food. But the determined little thing took no notice, and carried on.”

The story of a brave, determined and hungry little creature that was not deterred by the size of his opponent. He had a goal in mind, and followed it through, regardless of perceived obstacles. Really enjoyed this most unusual co existence; what a wonderful world - where we can all get along, regardless of vast differences!

July 2, 2011

Take your mark, get so, Grow!

                                                                                    alyson1durland.blogspot.com (photo)

We’ve now hit the mid-point of 2011, and have 6 months left of this year. Wow, it goes by so fast, doesn’t it?
It’s a great time to think about what you’ve accomplished so far this year, and if you’re on track to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself at the start of this year.

2011 now has 6 months left to amplify your potential! To push the ‘reset’ button, if needed, and breathe life back into an important goal you may have set in January, but has since fallen to the wayside. A wonderful time of the year to evaluate the path you’re on today, and where you want to go tomorrow.

July is a good point in the year to also look at your general health. Are you improving or slowing down? Are your choices in line with where you want to take your health?

It’s also a good time to evaluate your financial picture. Are you on track for next March by withholding enough from your paycheck? Is your emergency fund growing, ready to help you, or another in a time of need?

A great time to look at the health of your relationships with others. Maybe there are some people you haven’t spoken to in quite a while. This is a good time to drop them a line, reconnect with friends and share.

Balancing the different aspects of your life with harmony and positive intent sets the stage for a prosperous rest of the year! It’s your time to make it happen.