When we jump to conclusions and judge another,
we should remember that we don’t know all the pieces of their puzzle.
Sometimes, when we are given another piece of the puzzle, the picture changes.
Other times, we will never know.
Quiet observation enables peace,
to remember that you don’t have every ‘piece’
June 29, 2011
June 27, 2011
The great Escape
Tell me why you think it’s unfair that you reap what you sow
Because I don’t know what I don’t know
How do you plan on getting to where you want to go?
Just keep on doin’ what I’m doin’, I’m bound to grow
So, you keep doing the same, expecting to see...
Different outcomes, better living, new opportunity
That’s right, I deserve all that you’ve earned
I want it today, minus the hard lessons you’ve learned
But the hardships made me strong, giving me balance and latitude
To open my heart to the essence of gratitude
I’m thankful for my journey, my joys and my tears
The years in my life, the life in my years
I don’t understand you, think I’ll move over there
To get away from the freaks, who think everything’s fair
You may change your location, surround yourself anew
But there is no escaping your ego, your mind - YOU
Joan 06-27-2011
Number, please!
The emotional connection that joins people (at the heart) seems to transfer data faster than any processor built by man. Call it Intel or Ma Bell; this connection could't be any quicker, more accurate nor clearer.
And the lines are never busy!
The emotional connection that joins people (at the heart) seems to transfer data faster than any processor built by man. Call it Intel or Ma Bell; this connection could't be any quicker, more accurate nor clearer.
And the lines are never busy!
June 25, 2011
Captain of my own ship
There is no escape from myself. I am a captive audience to my mind's chatter, and also my soul's innate wisdom.
Just need to learn to silence the mind at times and amplify my heart/soul as that's where the answer resides.
I’m captain of my own ship.
There is no escape from myself. I am a captive audience to my mind's chatter, and also my soul's innate wisdom.
Just need to learn to silence the mind at times and amplify my heart/soul as that's where the answer resides.
I’m captain of my own ship.
June 23, 2011
The future is much brighter when the veil of yesterday is lifted, and left behind.
The future is much brighter when the veil of yesterday is lifted, and left behind.
When your focus is on the rear-view mirror, the road ahead becomes peripheral vision and appears blurry and foreign. By living in the present moment, and paying attention to your surroundings, you now have awareness. The many gifts that surround you can suddenly be recognized.
When we loosen our grip on yesterday and open our hearts to tomorrow, we are no longer shielded from the wonder of today. If your arms are tired from carrying a heavy load, you instinctively know to put it down and rest. The body is in tune to this innate wisdom.
Listen to your soul’s song. If you’ve been burdened with emotional ‘baggage’ weighing you down, stop, drop and roll. Stop the momentum of habit. Drop the old, unnecessary baggage that has been slowing your progress down. Roll with life, don’t clutch this 'baggage' so tightly and walk against the current. After all, this 'heavy load' isn't really 'you' at all, you've just been carrying it for so long, that you mistakingly call it your own.
There is a huge difference between ‘recognizing’ the past and ‘clinging’ to the past. Your internal peace may be hinged on developing this difference.
Many blessings for a peaceful journey!
The future is much brighter when the veil of yesterday is lifted, and left behind.
When your focus is on the rear-view mirror, the road ahead becomes peripheral vision and appears blurry and foreign. By living in the present moment, and paying attention to your surroundings, you now have awareness. The many gifts that surround you can suddenly be recognized.
When we loosen our grip on yesterday and open our hearts to tomorrow, we are no longer shielded from the wonder of today. If your arms are tired from carrying a heavy load, you instinctively know to put it down and rest. The body is in tune to this innate wisdom.
Listen to your soul’s song. If you’ve been burdened with emotional ‘baggage’ weighing you down, stop, drop and roll. Stop the momentum of habit. Drop the old, unnecessary baggage that has been slowing your progress down. Roll with life, don’t clutch this 'baggage' so tightly and walk against the current. After all, this 'heavy load' isn't really 'you' at all, you've just been carrying it for so long, that you mistakingly call it your own.
There is a huge difference between ‘recognizing’ the past and ‘clinging’ to the past. Your internal peace may be hinged on developing this difference.
Many blessings for a peaceful journey!
June 22, 2011
You can’t know what the jigsaw is about until you have more pieces!
Recently I attended a drum circle on the beach at sunset and noticed many tattoos and piercings on younger people. Several of the tattoos displayed messages of “pain and suffering” and general negative sayings. The behavior of these individuals was also strikingly in accordance with their body art - that of a negative energy.
I was surprised seeing this group at the drum circle as most people that regularly attend are very positive, spiritual souls. The energy felt as this type of gathering is usually exploding with joy and love. A terrific gathering of like-minded people.
In going about my celebration of drumming and dancing, I couldn’t help but notice this group - their negative ‘billboards’ displayed for all to see, expressing their freedom of a ‘negative‘ outlook on life. Although I didn’t allow myself to focus on this group, to simply observe them, I managed to form a (strong) opinion about them in my mind.
As the evening progressed in celebration, another group of young men with tattoos emerged. My mind immediately found similarities between the first group (negative body art) and this newer group of young men. They were loud and seemed to be celebrating, but my mind coned in on their body art, piercings and explosive behavior. It seemed that I had this group ‘pegged’ from the get-go.
As one of the young men walked near my area, I asked him a question that totally changed the way I viewed him and his friends. I had another piece of his puzzle! “Hey, what does your tattoo say on your back?” His tattoo was scrolled across his upper back in a different language than English. I had assumed that it was just a more visually pleasing way to display his message of ‘something negative.’ After all, many of the other young, inked men were rather clear in their feelings.
What he said actually made my mouth open - mostly in disappointment of my ‘preconceived hastiness.’ He told me it was a saying in Latin; the English translation being: “I shall either find a way or make one.” He went on to tell me he was getting ready to go away to law school and this beach celebration was like a last hurrah.
So there I was, standing on a beautiful beach, among outstanding people, in a fabulous celebration of life - quite confident that I had a good grasp of the situation around me. Not only was I shown otherwise, I was provided with yet, another lesson in humility and acceptance. Reminded of the fact that I do not have all the pieces of everyone’s puzzle and therefore can not possibly know their story.
A gentle nudge from the universe to drop the gavel, and simply observe! Thank you for my lesson. :)
I was surprised seeing this group at the drum circle as most people that regularly attend are very positive, spiritual souls. The energy felt as this type of gathering is usually exploding with joy and love. A terrific gathering of like-minded people.
In going about my celebration of drumming and dancing, I couldn’t help but notice this group - their negative ‘billboards’ displayed for all to see, expressing their freedom of a ‘negative‘ outlook on life. Although I didn’t allow myself to focus on this group, to simply observe them, I managed to form a (strong) opinion about them in my mind.
As the evening progressed in celebration, another group of young men with tattoos emerged. My mind immediately found similarities between the first group (negative body art) and this newer group of young men. They were loud and seemed to be celebrating, but my mind coned in on their body art, piercings and explosive behavior. It seemed that I had this group ‘pegged’ from the get-go.
As one of the young men walked near my area, I asked him a question that totally changed the way I viewed him and his friends. I had another piece of his puzzle! “Hey, what does your tattoo say on your back?” His tattoo was scrolled across his upper back in a different language than English. I had assumed that it was just a more visually pleasing way to display his message of ‘something negative.’ After all, many of the other young, inked men were rather clear in their feelings.
What he said actually made my mouth open - mostly in disappointment of my ‘preconceived hastiness.’ He told me it was a saying in Latin; the English translation being: “I shall either find a way or make one.” He went on to tell me he was getting ready to go away to law school and this beach celebration was like a last hurrah.
So there I was, standing on a beautiful beach, among outstanding people, in a fabulous celebration of life - quite confident that I had a good grasp of the situation around me. Not only was I shown otherwise, I was provided with yet, another lesson in humility and acceptance. Reminded of the fact that I do not have all the pieces of everyone’s puzzle and therefore can not possibly know their story.
A gentle nudge from the universe to drop the gavel, and simply observe! Thank you for my lesson. :)
June 20, 2011
Bystander vs Lifesaver - Preparation Makes the Difference!
The use of CPR dates way back to 1740, yet, even today, most Americans do not know how to perform it. Given properly and immediately to cardiac arrest and drowning/choking victims, CPR can save lives. If you have loved ones, children, neighbors, friends - you really should learn this simple technique that can and will save lives. Please don’t be intimidated or think ‘someone else’ will ‘do it’. In an emergency like heart attack, drowning, electrocution, choking, stroke, etc. CPR and basic first aid are invaluable tools to have in your arsenal.
“Time is muscle’ is a saying we have in cardiac medicine regarding heart attacks (acute MI). It applies to ‘time is brain’ also regarding a stroke (CVA). Once the ‘event’ begins, whether it be a blood clot, ruptured plaque, or arrhythmia, ischemia (lack of oxygen to the muscle - heart or brain) sets in and ‘muscle death’ begins. As more time passes, more muscle damage occurs - unless there is intervention! That’s where you can make the difference for another.
I’m a nurse in the cath lab (stents in arteries) and have seen firsthand the result of delayed CPR because “the paramedics are on the way.” A call to 911 is imperative, but immediate CPR makes the difference between quality of life/ survival and being left with deficits. You can make a huge difference in the life of another!
I urge you to make time to learn first aid/ CPR! Your local Red Cross or hospital can help you get started and it will be time well spent to help another in need.
The American Heart Association Find a CPR class near you
June 16, 2011
Bright Idea!
Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?”
Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”
Sometimes you have an idea in mind, but you’re not sure how you’re going to do it. Some of the great inventors of past were unsure of how they were going to create their idea, but persevered in their goal.
Follow your dreams, your aspirations and drives. Just because no one has done it before, doesn’t mean that it can not be done. Unleash the creator inside of you and follow your dreams!
Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?”
Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”
Sometimes you have an idea in mind, but you’re not sure how you’re going to do it. Some of the great inventors of past were unsure of how they were going to create their idea, but persevered in their goal.
Follow your dreams, your aspirations and drives. Just because no one has done it before, doesn’t mean that it can not be done. Unleash the creator inside of you and follow your dreams!
June 14, 2011
Hit a home run!
Baseball players are notoriously superstitious.
But only when they are batting, not fielding.
Fielding boasts a success rate of 90-95%.
Batting has a 7 out of 10 failure rate, even with the best batters.
Our belief in ourselves and our ability keeps us responsible, strong and independent.
Doubt instills worry and uneasiness.
When you’re up to bat (in life), remember to disregard the naysayers, just look within yourself and hit a home run!
Baseball players are notoriously superstitious.
But only when they are batting, not fielding.
Fielding boasts a success rate of 90-95%.
Batting has a 7 out of 10 failure rate, even with the best batters.
Our belief in ourselves and our ability keeps us responsible, strong and independent.
Doubt instills worry and uneasiness.
When you’re up to bat (in life), remember to disregard the naysayers, just look within yourself and hit a home run!
June 13, 2011
Financial Peace
‘I crashed and burned before I learned.” Dave Ramsey (on financial peace)
Sometimes in life, the best, most memorable, yet painful lessons we learn is preceded by turmoil, sabotage. Seems to leave an imprint on our psyche that is not easily forgotten or rationalized away. Kind of like burning your hand on a hot stove, the lesson holds a whole different intensity when pain has an association with it. This can be likened to learning through several senses verses just one. For example, we can learn from simply reading a book, or we can incorporate video, role playing, re writing the lesson, etc. When we are more engaged with something, we tend to be more aware of it/ more involved with it.
I greatly admire Dave Ramsey for his expertise and direct, honest approach to helping others achieve financial freedom. His Christian principles shine through his teachings and spread compassion onto the financially wounded.
I have met and volunteered for Dave in the past as I believe in his teachings and share my own personal experience of having zero debt, including home. Dave shows us that financial freedom is not just a pipe dream, his baby steps clearly direct disciplined behavior that will result in success.
If you have a desire to improve your financial picture, I highly financial peace university :https://fpuonline.daveramsey.c om/ as a great start. You can find Financial Peace University being taught in your area at locate-class/ Often taught in Churches and community centers.
At my next H.O.P.E. meet up I will be reviewing Dave’s baby steps to get started onto the path of financial freedom. This quick video is a great introduction to Dave and what his program is about. =b--HwXE3064
If you are near Clearwater, Florida, our meet up is this Tuesday night and I would love to meet you and help you in any way I can. Chances are, you’re not my neighbor, but I hope you find Dave’s website, newsletters, FPU program, television show, radio broadcasts, books, DVD’s, board games, etc of value.
If you have ever done FPU or followed Dave Ramsey, I’d love to hear about your experiences! If not, I’d like you to think about being debt free and how that would impact your life. The important thing to remember here is this, you will attract into your life what ever it is that you think about. If you focus on debt and feeling frustrated, you will attract more of it. If you focus on crushing your debt, you will. “Be gazelle intent.”
“Live Like No One Else, So That Later, You Can Live Like No One Else.”
Dave Ramsey
‘I crashed and burned before I learned.” Dave Ramsey (on financial peace)
Sometimes in life, the best, most memorable, yet painful lessons we learn is preceded by turmoil, sabotage. Seems to leave an imprint on our psyche that is not easily forgotten or rationalized away. Kind of like burning your hand on a hot stove, the lesson holds a whole different intensity when pain has an association with it. This can be likened to learning through several senses verses just one. For example, we can learn from simply reading a book, or we can incorporate video, role playing, re writing the lesson, etc. When we are more engaged with something, we tend to be more aware of it/ more involved with it.
I greatly admire Dave Ramsey for his expertise and direct, honest approach to helping others achieve financial freedom. His Christian principles shine through his teachings and spread compassion onto the financially wounded.
I have met and volunteered for Dave in the past as I believe in his teachings and share my own personal experience of having zero debt, including home. Dave shows us that financial freedom is not just a pipe dream, his baby steps clearly direct disciplined behavior that will result in success.
If you have a desire to improve your financial picture, I highly financial peace university :https://fpuonline.daveramsey.c
At my next H.O.P.E. meet up I will be reviewing Dave’s baby steps to get started onto the path of financial freedom. This quick video is a great introduction to Dave and what his program is about.
If you are near Clearwater, Florida, our meet up is this Tuesday night and I would love to meet you and help you in any way I can. Chances are, you’re not my neighbor, but I hope you find Dave’s website, newsletters, FPU program, television show, radio broadcasts, books, DVD’s, board games, etc of value.
If you have ever done FPU or followed Dave Ramsey, I’d love to hear about your experiences! If not, I’d like you to think about being debt free and how that would impact your life. The important thing to remember here is this, you will attract into your life what ever it is that you think about. If you focus on debt and feeling frustrated, you will attract more of it. If you focus on crushing your debt, you will. “Be gazelle intent.”
“Live Like No One Else, So That Later, You Can Live Like No One Else.”
Dave Ramsey
June 12, 2011
Common Knowledge
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)
Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who lived in the 1800’s when the understanding of infectious disease being caused by microbes was still in it’s infancy. He worked in a Viennese hospital where he observed that women who gave birth in the hospital wing where medical students were trained had a very high mortality rate; much higher than that of women in an adjoining hospital wing attended by midwives, and even higher than women who didn’t set foot in the hospital at all, but gave birth at home.
Like all medical students, the doctors-to-be at Vienna General Hospital dissected cadavers in anatomy class as part of their medical training. Most of the women dying after childbirth had been treated by student physicians who worked on cadavers before beginning their rounds in the maternity ward.
Even though Germ Theory was not well known at the time, Semmelweis hypothesized that the medical students carried “cadaver particles” from autopsy into the delivery rooms, and that these particles caused the new mothers to become ill with, and frequently die from, puerperal fever.
Semmelweis began to require his medical student to wash their hands with chlorinated water (a solution used to eliminate the smell cadavers). His experiment was shown to be a success, when, the following year, mortality rates in the ward fell from over 18% to 1.3%.
Even with this impressive data, Semmelweis was scorned and ridiculed by his peers for his strange ideas about hand washing, and was eventually forced to leave his post at the hospital.
Long after Dr. Semmelweis had been committed for depression and ultimately died of a Streptococcus infection (the same bacteria that caused puerperal fever), the idea of handwashing was accepted as a necessary component of public heath.
(adapted from
Something (hand washing) that we all take for granted, common knowledge, was first ridiculed for lack of ‘proof/evidence.’ It was opposed for many years, probably contributed to Dr Semmelweis’ deadly infection. The irony is uncanny.
Today, we think that medicine is highly evolved and self evident. I believe that 100 years from now will unveil massive discoveries and change the course of ‘health care’ as we know it today. I just finished watching a documentary about Dr Burzynski, a physician who cures cancer with non toxic gene-targeted ‘antineoplastons.’ He is ridiculed by conventional medicine and has been battling the FDA for 14 years, 60 million dollars spent of government money.
I simply ask people to use their minds when it comes to ‘accepted’ treatments, and what is ‘right.’ Posted this history to bring awareness to more people. Knowledge isn’t power, utilizing that knowledge - that’s powerful!
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)
Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who lived in the 1800’s when the understanding of infectious disease being caused by microbes was still in it’s infancy. He worked in a Viennese hospital where he observed that women who gave birth in the hospital wing where medical students were trained had a very high mortality rate; much higher than that of women in an adjoining hospital wing attended by midwives, and even higher than women who didn’t set foot in the hospital at all, but gave birth at home.
Like all medical students, the doctors-to-be at Vienna General Hospital dissected cadavers in anatomy class as part of their medical training. Most of the women dying after childbirth had been treated by student physicians who worked on cadavers before beginning their rounds in the maternity ward.
Even though Germ Theory was not well known at the time, Semmelweis hypothesized that the medical students carried “cadaver particles” from autopsy into the delivery rooms, and that these particles caused the new mothers to become ill with, and frequently die from, puerperal fever.
Semmelweis began to require his medical student to wash their hands with chlorinated water (a solution used to eliminate the smell cadavers). His experiment was shown to be a success, when, the following year, mortality rates in the ward fell from over 18% to 1.3%.
Even with this impressive data, Semmelweis was scorned and ridiculed by his peers for his strange ideas about hand washing, and was eventually forced to leave his post at the hospital.
Long after Dr. Semmelweis had been committed for depression and ultimately died of a Streptococcus infection (the same bacteria that caused puerperal fever), the idea of handwashing was accepted as a necessary component of public heath.
(adapted from
Something (hand washing) that we all take for granted, common knowledge, was first ridiculed for lack of ‘proof/evidence.’ It was opposed for many years, probably contributed to Dr Semmelweis’ deadly infection. The irony is uncanny.
Today, we think that medicine is highly evolved and self evident. I believe that 100 years from now will unveil massive discoveries and change the course of ‘health care’ as we know it today. I just finished watching a documentary about Dr Burzynski, a physician who cures cancer with non toxic gene-targeted ‘antineoplastons.’ He is ridiculed by conventional medicine and has been battling the FDA for 14 years, 60 million dollars spent of government money.
I simply ask people to use their minds when it comes to ‘accepted’ treatments, and what is ‘right.’ Posted this history to bring awareness to more people. Knowledge isn’t power, utilizing that knowledge - that’s powerful!
June 11, 2011
No worries, mate!
Worry, the smooth criminal.
40% - of the time, these worries never happen.
30% - worry about things in your past that can’t be changed.
12% - illogical deductive thoughts; such as if you cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way.
10% - miscellaneous worries.
That leaves just 8% (of your worries) that are real, legitimate concerns!
Someone once told me that worry was like rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. Energy is expended rocking back and forth, but you never do get anywhere. You end up right where you started from. Stress and worry are proven to affect your physical health and may even shorten your lifespan.
A tip from our friends down under - No worries, mate!
Worry, the smooth criminal.
40% - of the time, these worries never happen.
30% - worry about things in your past that can’t be changed.
12% - illogical deductive thoughts; such as if you cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way.
10% - miscellaneous worries.
That leaves just 8% (of your worries) that are real, legitimate concerns!
Someone once told me that worry was like rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. Energy is expended rocking back and forth, but you never do get anywhere. You end up right where you started from. Stress and worry are proven to affect your physical health and may even shorten your lifespan.
A tip from our friends down under - No worries, mate!
June 10, 2011
Buzz Love!
My friend’s son is 4 years old and crazy about Buzz Lightyear. He is a wise, compassionate child, beyond his years in age. When I was getting ready to leave his house the other night, he stopped what he was doing, leaned over toward me and said, “Bye Aunt Joanie. Buzz love!”
His Mom smiled big and explained to me what Buzz Love was. Buzz Lightyear has a saying “To infinity, and beyond!” Riah choose to incorporate that sentiment into his feelings of love for others. Buzz love is a special kind of infinite love that has no boundaries, no end.
I was awe struck by the amazing insight and wisdom a 4 year old can harbor. He understands what love is, but felt the desire to form a special love for special people in his life. The kind of love that travels to infinity and beyond...........
Buzz love, my friends. I’m sending you Buzz love!
My friend’s son is 4 years old and crazy about Buzz Lightyear. He is a wise, compassionate child, beyond his years in age. When I was getting ready to leave his house the other night, he stopped what he was doing, leaned over toward me and said, “Bye Aunt Joanie. Buzz love!”
His Mom smiled big and explained to me what Buzz Love was. Buzz Lightyear has a saying “To infinity, and beyond!” Riah choose to incorporate that sentiment into his feelings of love for others. Buzz love is a special kind of infinite love that has no boundaries, no end.
I was awe struck by the amazing insight and wisdom a 4 year old can harbor. He understands what love is, but felt the desire to form a special love for special people in his life. The kind of love that travels to infinity and beyond...........
Buzz love, my friends. I’m sending you Buzz love!
June 9, 2011
Stay- cation for relaxation!
Feeling a little stressed out and in need of a get away?
How about getting away to your favorite destination? Maybe it’s the beach, the mountains, safari, whatever! Did you know that your mind doesn’t recognize the difference between ‘doing’ and simply ‘thinking’ an experience or action? This has been studied with athletes running their race in their minds only. Their muscles respond exactly as they would if the runner was actually running their race on the track instead of in their minds only.
Set aside some time to take a 2 minute vacation to your favorite relaxing destination. Maybe the beach, mountains, garden, sailing, etc.
Imagine the sights, sounds and smells of your locale. Feel the breeze on your skin, the ocean mist in your face, and the salty taste on your lips. Hear the sea gulls calling and the ship’s bell in the distance. Feel the warmth of the setting sun and the glare on the water.
Make your trip as ‘real’ as possible to your senses. Feel the feelings you would feel if you were actually at the beach. It’s important to feel this experience, not just go through the motions of imagination.
Stress, over a period of time can wreak havoc on your body. This type of mental relaxation actually has a cumulative effect as it counterbalances stressful times with peaceful times. You may not be able to physically escape your stressors, but you certainly have control over the landscape of your mind.
Feeling a little stressed out and in need of a get away?
How about getting away to your favorite destination? Maybe it’s the beach, the mountains, safari, whatever! Did you know that your mind doesn’t recognize the difference between ‘doing’ and simply ‘thinking’ an experience or action? This has been studied with athletes running their race in their minds only. Their muscles respond exactly as they would if the runner was actually running their race on the track instead of in their minds only.
Set aside some time to take a 2 minute vacation to your favorite relaxing destination. Maybe the beach, mountains, garden, sailing, etc.
Imagine the sights, sounds and smells of your locale. Feel the breeze on your skin, the ocean mist in your face, and the salty taste on your lips. Hear the sea gulls calling and the ship’s bell in the distance. Feel the warmth of the setting sun and the glare on the water.
Make your trip as ‘real’ as possible to your senses. Feel the feelings you would feel if you were actually at the beach. It’s important to feel this experience, not just go through the motions of imagination.
Stress, over a period of time can wreak havoc on your body. This type of mental relaxation actually has a cumulative effect as it counterbalances stressful times with peaceful times. You may not be able to physically escape your stressors, but you certainly have control over the landscape of your mind.
June 8, 2011
Focus brings sunlight into a beam that sparks a flame that spreads like wildfire. Be careful what you focus on - it will most certainly intensify in your mind!
Your inner landscape conforms to it’s gardner, be a thoughtful pruner.
You are the master gardner of all that grows and flourishes inside of you. Along the path of life you were probably ‘gifted’ many different kinds of seeds. Seeds of compassion, seeds of distrust, seeds of happiness, seeds of misery, seeds of love - well, you get the point. Experience is quite the farmer, plowing memories and tilling mindsets. The typical adult has been exposed to a variety of seedlings throughout their lifetime. Whatever seeds you decide to nurture (with your attention and focus), are the seeds that germinate and propagate your inner garden.
Negativity is the weed of discontent that will strangle your blossoms, but only if you fertilize them. Negative comments are all around you, no man is an island. The key is keeping water-tight; don’t let those invading weeds infiltrate your sanctuary.
Meditation and prayer are like round up for my heart (no evil can take root); miracle gro for my soul (explosive growth abounds)!
You are the master gardner of all that grows and flourishes inside of you. Along the path of life you were probably ‘gifted’ many different kinds of seeds. Seeds of compassion, seeds of distrust, seeds of happiness, seeds of misery, seeds of love - well, you get the point. Experience is quite the farmer, plowing memories and tilling mindsets. The typical adult has been exposed to a variety of seedlings throughout their lifetime. Whatever seeds you decide to nurture (with your attention and focus), are the seeds that germinate and propagate your inner garden.
Negativity is the weed of discontent that will strangle your blossoms, but only if you fertilize them. Negative comments are all around you, no man is an island. The key is keeping water-tight; don’t let those invading weeds infiltrate your sanctuary.
Meditation and prayer are like round up for my heart (no evil can take root); miracle gro for my soul (explosive growth abounds)!
June 6, 2011
“Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? “ Fanny Brice
I can remember hearing the word ‘poser’ from a guy visiting me from California when I was a teenager in Philadelphia. He explained to me that the east coast of the US was simply copying the west coast (California) of the US - that we were all posers! No originality, just copy cats to fashion and movie stars’ persona. Hmm, there I was emulating Cher Bono with all her glamour and spunky personality! (it was the 70’s, guys)
Fast forward over 25 years.....
We need to give ourselves permission to simply be who we are. Without regard to whether that “who” is sheepishly quiet, likes shopping at thrift stores, repeats themselves, outgoing and boisterous, artsy and eccentric, stutters when nervous, whatever. There is no other you, you’re one of a kind. In trying to conform to some one else’s traits, we are choosing to release our originality, that which defines who we really are. Our character.
When some one says they need to ‘find’ themselves, it makes me wonder where they lost their true identity. Maybe they were trying to be the ‘perfect wife’ or ‘perfect Mother’. Perhaps they were trying to please their parents and fell into a career they disliked greatly. Role playing and redefining your character to please others, or ‘hide’ your true self to the world must be similar to acting/pretending. I did a little acting when I was younger and it took practice to get my part just right. After many hours of practice though, the role became effortless and easy to portray. It was as if I could flip a switch and become some one else (for a while, anyway).
Authenticity is the real deal. We can see it in young children who are not yet tainted with pretense and ego issues. As an adult, it takes self actualization and introspection on one’s part. It’s paramount to follow your heart, your soul purpose in life. Any other path leads to some one else’s dream.
I can remember hearing the word ‘poser’ from a guy visiting me from California when I was a teenager in Philadelphia. He explained to me that the east coast of the US was simply copying the west coast (California) of the US - that we were all posers! No originality, just copy cats to fashion and movie stars’ persona. Hmm, there I was emulating Cher Bono with all her glamour and spunky personality! (it was the 70’s, guys)
Fast forward over 25 years.....
We need to give ourselves permission to simply be who we are. Without regard to whether that “who” is sheepishly quiet, likes shopping at thrift stores, repeats themselves, outgoing and boisterous, artsy and eccentric, stutters when nervous, whatever. There is no other you, you’re one of a kind. In trying to conform to some one else’s traits, we are choosing to release our originality, that which defines who we really are. Our character.
When some one says they need to ‘find’ themselves, it makes me wonder where they lost their true identity. Maybe they were trying to be the ‘perfect wife’ or ‘perfect Mother’. Perhaps they were trying to please their parents and fell into a career they disliked greatly. Role playing and redefining your character to please others, or ‘hide’ your true self to the world must be similar to acting/pretending. I did a little acting when I was younger and it took practice to get my part just right. After many hours of practice though, the role became effortless and easy to portray. It was as if I could flip a switch and become some one else (for a while, anyway).
Authenticity is the real deal. We can see it in young children who are not yet tainted with pretense and ego issues. As an adult, it takes self actualization and introspection on one’s part. It’s paramount to follow your heart, your soul purpose in life. Any other path leads to some one else’s dream.
June 5, 2011
“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus
The key to good communication is not only expressing yourself well, but listening well, also. Listening infers caring and interest. We learn so much more when our mouth is closed and our ears are open. The world’s a different experience when we are receptive to her lessons and beauty around us.
Speech is a wonderful platform of expression, as is any creative artistry. Meaningful speech, which is born of purposeful thought, can be likened to an emotionally charged work of art. Much more than simply painted colors on a canvas, an inspirational explosion of creativity is what captivates the onlooker to appreciate and feel moved.
Your words are very similar. Although they do not appear to be as permanent as a piece of art work, their impact on another life can carve out lasting impressions.
You’ve got two eyes, two ears and one mouth - use ‘em in proportion!
June 4, 2011
Never Alone
My shadow follows me
on the road less traveled
A journey of great wonder
without boundaries or restraint
Breathtaking views ahead
just lift my eyes and see
Beauty surrounds me
Peace is my co pilot
You’re never alone on this journey of adventures; just ahead is another sunrise; behind you, a moon shadow.
June 2, 2011
Through the looking glass!
Sometimes the most creative ideas come from everyday objects that we often simply take for granted. I read about a woman who came across an old peep hole in her junk drawer and instinctively picked it up and began to play with it. Kind of like how one might find a lump of silly putty irresistible to squeeze into different shapes.
She thought it was awesome how the peep hole distorted the world around her and realized that she just had to try taking pictures through this newly discovered ‘do-it-yourself fish eye lens.’
That was the beginning of her “through the peephole” photography! Although she didn’t realize it at that time, an artistic burst of genius sprouted from an open mind, from child-like curiosity and wonder. Had she simply tossed the old peep hole into the rubbish or thrift store pile, she would have missed out on a whole new, wonderful display of artistic creativity and lots of fun!
“Sure, playing with a peephole is far from rocket science. But hey–rocket science is boring! Enjoy being creative with photography. Artistic photos are just a junk drawer treasure hunt away!” Carrie Bruner-Hillyard, Creative Lenses, Creative Photos
Found this article inspiring today and I hope you gained a little inspiration yourself! The most simple things in life can spark the most magnificent imagination! What a gift, to look through the eyes of a curious child and see wonder everywhere!
June 1, 2011
"Listening looks easy, but it's not simple. Every head is a world." Cuban proverb
Many people today tend to be ‘hard of listening’ rather than ‘hard of hearing.’ If you’re not hearing impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. The art of listening (thus learning) is really one of the best teachers and role models that is free and readily available to everyone, everywhere. Listening requires one to quiet the mind of chatter and concentrate so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.
Hearing is a physical process and listening is both physical and psychological. Hearing is passive, listening is active and keeps you engaged with the world around you.
Some of the most valuable listening you will do in your life time will be to your inner self. Carve the time, appreciate those 'gut feelings' that you may have dismissed as indigestion. Your inner wisdom is there; you only need to tap into that fountain of supreme bliss by listening!
Many people today tend to be ‘hard of listening’ rather than ‘hard of hearing.’ If you’re not hearing impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. The art of listening (thus learning) is really one of the best teachers and role models that is free and readily available to everyone, everywhere. Listening requires one to quiet the mind of chatter and concentrate so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.
Hearing is a physical process and listening is both physical and psychological. Hearing is passive, listening is active and keeps you engaged with the world around you.
Some of the most valuable listening you will do in your life time will be to your inner self. Carve the time, appreciate those 'gut feelings' that you may have dismissed as indigestion. Your inner wisdom is there; you only need to tap into that fountain of supreme bliss by listening!
It’s Nice to Be Important, But It’s More Important to Be Nice Cassis, John
This quote speaks to the importance of good manners, always, in any situation. We all know that deep down we’re all equal, but there are always going to be people who deem themselves as having supreme importance and unfortunately missed the boat when good manners were distributed. This type of person can methodically erode the self esteem of a susceptible host, if given the chance. The key here is remembering who you are, followed by pausing to reflect on your interaction with an inflated ego. You are just as important and loved as any other! Your value does not change because you are lacking the same education, financial assets or titles as another. Another’s (mental) position of elevation over the rest of society is just that, their own mental distortion.
It’s so important to stay grounded and remember who you are. You aren’t your surroundings and can’t control the positivity (or sensitivity) of those around you. You certainly have control over your own reactions and words, though. Don’t mistake silence for weakness (on your part) as it takes strength and courage.
Always remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect them for who they are don't try to change them. Even though some people may not be nice to you at first, they should come around eventually.
The key to being nice is remembering that you are not "better" than someone else. You're an individual, but everybody has their struggles, and being nice to one another makes life better for everyone!
This quote speaks to the importance of good manners, always, in any situation. We all know that deep down we’re all equal, but there are always going to be people who deem themselves as having supreme importance and unfortunately missed the boat when good manners were distributed. This type of person can methodically erode the self esteem of a susceptible host, if given the chance. The key here is remembering who you are, followed by pausing to reflect on your interaction with an inflated ego. You are just as important and loved as any other! Your value does not change because you are lacking the same education, financial assets or titles as another. Another’s (mental) position of elevation over the rest of society is just that, their own mental distortion.
It’s so important to stay grounded and remember who you are. You aren’t your surroundings and can’t control the positivity (or sensitivity) of those around you. You certainly have control over your own reactions and words, though. Don’t mistake silence for weakness (on your part) as it takes strength and courage.
Always remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect them for who they are don't try to change them. Even though some people may not be nice to you at first, they should come around eventually.
The key to being nice is remembering that you are not "better" than someone else. You're an individual, but everybody has their struggles, and being nice to one another makes life better for everyone!
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