"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Freewill lyrics Rush
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Every day we consciously and subconsciously make choices. Most of the choices we make are rather small, insignificant on a larger scale of real significance. What you ate for breakfast today, if you even chose to eat, doesn't usually steer the course ...of your day. What you allow your child to watch on television may have a little more of an appearance in your world; if the child then mimics unruly behavior in your living room. Sometimes we feel tired and avoid going out to an event with friends. Maybe you feel fed up with your job and express this dissatisfaction through hasty reactions. There are so many scenarios playing out around me that I'm really amazed at the flow of life. At times moments may feel strained or like a really big effort on your part, yet other moments are free flowing, peaceful and effortless! "You can not direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails" is an old German proverb that has much impact on how you flow through life. Kind of like how you handle/steer your rudder will determine how easily you get to your destination. Who you are today is really a cause and effect manifestation. Can you recall an event in your life that profoundly shaped who you are today? You are a work in progress, created by experiences. You do have choice in shaping these experiences by selecting your outlook. This positive outlook becomes second nature with daily, repeated practice. "I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Free Will."
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