April 27, 2011
April 26, 2011
What's in your treasure chest, and who holds the keys?
What's in your treasure chest, and who holds the keys?
We each have values which direct what's important, or of value to us. Maybe you have a rare collection of sports memorabilia with signed baseballs and uniform jerseys under glass. You might get excited about taking retreats to detox or meditate. Maybe you volunteer for Hospice or... the SPCA. I know a man who has about 14 cars of rare distinction sitting in his specially made garage. He even paid $10,000 dollars to be on a waiting list for a Rolls Royce! A prominent sports figure then bought that "spot" in line from him for much more money. My point here is, what's driving your attention, your focus? Do you work extra hours for more money to surround yourself with stuff? Are you working just to make ends meet and feel that you're head is just above water? Either situation would benefit from a re- evaluation of your values and choices. The size and shape of your treasure chest is irrelevant. Purpose is found inside of your stash. You are not your stuff or your circumstance, but you do choose what is important to you. What if we could wear our treasure maps on our shirts for a day? It would raise awareness within us all to visually see where our passions lie.
April 25, 2011
What's in your recipe?
What's in your recipe?
Yesterday I was listening to Dr Gabriel Cousens MD, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center speak about nutrition. His message delivered a very personalized take on nutrition....."one needs to bring in their own personal constitution." There are many different takes on what entails the best dietary choi...ces for us, you need more omega 3's, less omega 6's, no red meat, eww, stay away from cows milk, all white flour and sugar will harm you, bathe in olive oil, drink 1 glass of red wine a day........the recommendations from the "experts" is daunting, to say the least. I really liked the message given to me yesterday by Dr Cousens as it stressed your own personal make up and beliefs. He is a spiritual, plant-based, uncooked, healing nutrition kind of foodie. He avoids all meat because of spiritual beliefs along with scientific data that supports this view of "living raw foods". We're not trying to convince anybody to eat a specific way, that is a very personal choice. I think the principle at work here is to first know yourself and move forward with choices that resonate with you. This concept also applies to living in general. My idea of a great weekend getaway probably differs from yours; we are different people shaped from different preferences and experiences. What ignites my fire might just rain on your parade! It makes me smile to observe such diversity among people I meet, but I especially enjoy opposing views from balanced, conscious individuals who know themselves and keep an open mind to evolve even further. We're all unique in our constitution and that projects itself outward showing others who we are. From the ingredients we place into our minds and hearts we formulate a recipe that is the foundation of who and what we become. It is during heartache, tragedy, trauma, despair, stressors, that our ingredients then cook and manifest themselves as our own personal signature dish. What's left over in you garbage bowl (Rachel Ray plug) is that which is not of any use to your personal development, get it off your plate now. Think I'll go outside and marinate for a while. Bon appetit !
Listen to your heart sing!
Joy is often demonstrated by dancing and singing. It's a feeling of elation, an emotional expression of explosive excitement! It's so wonderful to feel joy, and even better to share the experience with another. Tune into the joy in your heart and sow the seeds of bliss.
April 24, 2011
Thank you for this gift!
Today holds so much meaning to so many around the globe. It's a time for introspection and resurrection. Peace is really my predominant feeling today and my eyes well with tears of gratitude for all that I experience and appreciate. I'm so thankful to recognize what we all seem to easily resonate with......the absolute joy of life! This statement arises despite having experienced hardship, death of loved ones, broken heart, physical pain, financial loss, etc.... Gratitude for all of this and their lessons learned and imprints in my very being. I am actually thankful for feeling so extremely grateful! You can not fabricate this kind of feeling, this chemical release of endorphins that floods you with a sense of joy and well-being. I'm also grateful for this online community of seekers who inspire me to propel forward into another chapter of my story. With great love and gratitude.....Namaste
http://dayswithdaniel.wordpres s.com/
April 23, 2011
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Freewill lyrics Rush
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Every day we consciously and subconsciously make choices. Most of the choices we make are rather small, insignificant on a larger scale of real significance. What you ate for breakfast today, if you even chose to eat, doesn't usually steer the course ...of your day. What you allow your child to watch on television may have a little more of an appearance in your world; if the child then mimics unruly behavior in your living room. Sometimes we feel tired and avoid going out to an event with friends. Maybe you feel fed up with your job and express this dissatisfaction through hasty reactions. There are so many scenarios playing out around me that I'm really amazed at the flow of life. At times moments may feel strained or like a really big effort on your part, yet other moments are free flowing, peaceful and effortless! "You can not direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails" is an old German proverb that has much impact on how you flow through life. Kind of like how you handle/steer your rudder will determine how easily you get to your destination. Who you are today is really a cause and effect manifestation. Can you recall an event in your life that profoundly shaped who you are today? You are a work in progress, created by experiences. You do have choice in shaping these experiences by selecting your outlook. This positive outlook becomes second nature with daily, repeated practice. "I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Free Will."
April 22, 2011
2012: Time for Change
Last evening I attended this free movie showing while lounging on donated furniture to be resold at the local Habitat for Humanity ReUse It store that hosted this showing. What a wonderful concept! This local group has movie showings of this type every other week along with a multitude of... other events for a sustainable world. On the way to the movie, I stopped to get a green smoothie from the local Rawk Star Cafe and had a wonderful experience chatting with the owner. He gave me a break on the cost of my drink because he supported the type of event I was attending. After watching a great movie under the stars in 70 degree weather I engaged in meaningful conversations with people from that area and made new friends. I can't think of a better way to spend my evening at any cost, yet this event was free. So, the best things in life are free and leave long-lasting impressions!
April 21, 2011
Engage Today
Television News, Young People and Politics Conference:
Generation DisconnectedStanding in a room full of people can sometimes feel so lonely and empty. It's the energy of connection, bonding with others that enables that feeling of community and sharing. These are challenging times when so many young people are disconnected or disengaged from the simplicity of living. Technology has enabled us to advance in so many ways, making our lives effortless and simple to maneuver. Maybe in exchange for this convenience, we have also seen the erosion of basic human communication. The exchange of information today is huge and instantaneous. The exchange of humanity is of so much more importance. Language and communication is one way for us to express ourselves to others. More attention needs to be given to human expression in order for relationships to grow. Post-it notes, text messages and video conferencing are great additions to quality communication, not replacement of such. Remember to remain engaged with the world around you, and stay tuned for so much more.....
April 20, 2011
Perception Deception..... Don't be misled by your preconceived fears or expectations
As a nurse in the cardiac cath lab I assisted a 54 year old woman onto the procedure table to prepare for her very first heart cath. Although she had low risk factors and took good care of herself physically, she was overwhelmed with sorrow and fear; ...crying and trembling in place. When asked about her tears, she explained that her husband died 8 years ago and she feared leaving her children without a parent. This thought left her frozen and vulnerable to every possible negative thought imaginable. Rather than allow her to spiral down a path of doom and victimization, or sedate her with narcotics to temporarily quell her thoughts, I helped her to reanalyze her situation. Worst case scenerio, we can treat you with surgery and medication. There are other diseases which offer no hope for recovery or cure and offer little hope for longevity. I quoted some inspirational people and offered lots of emotional support to a fragile woman in front of me. She especially liked "you can't control the wind, but you can redirect your sails." I watched as she transformed from a victim to a grateful woman in charge of her reactions. The change was instant and full of power. I'm grateful to be a part of her self growth and mastery. A simple shift in perception is all that was needed for
her to overcome tremendous fear and saddness. Whenever you're caught in a spiral, it helps to pause, breathe, and try to reanalyze your situation. There is power in thoughts!
Don't be Shy, just Try.........
Don't be Shy, just Try........
Nike said it well, "just do it!" " Every journey begins with a single step." "In spite of your fear, do what you have to do." “No one would ever have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship during the storms.” There are lots of ways to say it, but only action leads the way. There are many ways ...to think about doing something meaningful, and oh so many ways to convince yourself to do it later, when the timing is just right. There's a saying we use in the investment arena, "analysis paralysis". We tend to over analyze to the point of paralysis and fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking stupid, fear of not nailing something the first time because it's new to us. Sports figures Michael Jordon and Wayne Gretzky both credit their successes to the relentless pursuit of shooting goals, realizing that some will be missed. Jordon missed shots because he was willing to take them. Are you willing to take the shots that will help you succeed in your goals?
How do Others View You?
Most of my mornings are spent at a local dog park where myself and two friends relax and contemplate life while our dogs run wild. Our conversations typically dabble into analyzing the world around us and how we can improve on it. We seem to encounter lots of self-discovery and revelations about ourselves. There is usually the same group of people in the morning hours that we share the park with. The diversity amongst them is huge and always a welcome catalyst to our conversations. Pat, a fellow dog owner approached our group today and laughed out loud, "So what does the View have to say today?" I immediately laughed with him and smiled at my friends sitting beside me on the bench. Our daily conversations which are really second nature to us, seem to hold much more of an impact on those around us. The older men at the park appreciate three younger and focused women sharing ideas and vision. After hearing that remark, I began to think about all the ways we are viewed by other people while we carry out routine and unremarkable actions throughout the day. I thought of the saying, "All the world is a stage and everyone plays a part." Hmm, there is no dress rehearsal or time out to practice being me. This is the real deal. My time spent on the bench at the park holds as much spiritual meaning as does sitting on a bench at Sunday Mass! I relish the time spent with my friends at the dog park and our pooches enjoy the sunshine.
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