October 28, 2012

Beacon or a crutch?


A beacon or a crutch?

Listening to a recorded call this morning, 
the conversation was about relationships.
It's important to identify how we relate to others.
One caller was often asked for advice from his brother.

And his brother never took the good advice,
did things to jeopardize his health,
then asked to be bailed out when the problems grew too big.

I think this scenario sounds familiar to all of us.
It really can be frustrating to be so emotionally involved
in a better outcome for another, especially someone we
are close to.

Part of the solution lies in realizing that we are not responsible for solving other people's problems.
We can support, encourage and love by being a beacon in their darkness.
Your strength is more supportive than any crutch you offer. ❀

October 3, 2012

Celebrate You!


Celebrate your successes - yes, even the small ones!

We often set big goals for ourselves.
But we overlook the many small steps that add up 
to lead us to those goals.
If you want to lose 25 pounds by Christmas - 
have you congratulated yourself for slimming down 
4 pounds this month?
If you desire a clean, uncluttered home-
have you noticed that you managed to clean out 
drawers or a corner in the garage?

Accomplishments come in so many forms.
We are often exposed to major accomplishments like
Olympic medals, Super Bowls, Biggest Loser, etc.
Spending more time with the kids isn’t exactly 
the next tv sensation,
but it sure makes for important strides
towards a meaningful life.

Take the time to recognize your positive accomplishments.
And don’t forget to celebrate your friends, too!