October 28, 2011



Listen and Silent

Two words with the same letters.

Their power is revealed in friendship.
A true friend will Listen to you when you are Silent.

October 26, 2011

The magic zone

So, here’s a formula:

Your ‘comfort zone’ is safe, predictable and yes, comfortable.
Fabulous opportunity, breath taking experience - the passions of life -
Are found ‘outside’ of the routine.

Step it up
Step outside

Don’t sit back and watch it pass you by.

Just take the first step! ❀

Be a character!


Develop and express your individuality!

If your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream and produces positive outcomes, 
then be proud of it. 

Be a character, not a type!

October 25, 2011

Co Pilot


Did you know that you travel with several co pilots?

It’s true!

They come in the form of :


Are you turning over your ‘controls’ to the host with the most?
Or the beast with the least? ........................

October 22, 2011

Get your head out of the sand


Ignorance can be an expensive option.

Costing you :

your health
missed opportunities
your dreams

It’s the opposite of being aware! ❀

October 20, 2011

Set them up


Today, as you are sitting at your desk, waiting at the bus stop, sitting on the edge of your bed and reading this post, you are a culmination of every single experience that life has given you.

The good, the bad, the horrific, the pain, the pleasure, the many, many lessons that were provided, and hopefully recognized.
Your thoughts, some of your actions, they are uniquely yours- the result of
 a masterful tapestry that is constantly spinning its threads.

There may have been a point in your life when you actually wished for something that you regret today.
We simply don’t understand the domino effect of choice, the master plan that makes sense of seemingly unconnected events.

Realize, everything happens as it should. ❀

October 18, 2011

Peaceful mind


Regrets can cause many a re-run to ruin a peaceful mind! ❀

Step out

I think the term 'coming out' has so much more to do with your inner expression of who you really are than any stereotypical whisper or previous hiding - 

You just needed the space to spread your wings and soar! ❀

October 12, 2011

Liar, liar....................


Just listening to business talk radio this morning.

Someone was quoted as saying, “Hey man, your pants are on fire!”

Is there something so obvious going on in your life right now that is not apparent to you, but raising eyebrows of others?

Sometimes we get so caught up with our own ‘story’ that we miss out on what’s happening outside of ourselves!

Do you know anybody whose pants are on fire?.............

October 10, 2011

Autonomous and Homogenous


I am autonomous and homogenous.

Different and the same.

Just one, part of many.

I am a piece of One Love! ❀

October 8, 2011

Spirit soar!


The confinement of our outer shell
has little to do with the splendor of our spirit

Next time you see an old, tired or broken shell
Look past it with your vision!  

October 3, 2011

Fill 'er up!


Think of yourself as a container for wealth.
 If your container is small and your money is big, what’s going to happen? You will lose it. 
Your container will overflow and the excess money will spill out all over the place. 
You simply cannot have more money than the container. Therefore you must grow to be a big container so you cannot only hold more wealth but also attract more wealth. 
The universe abhors a vacuum and if you have a very large money container, it will rush in to fill the space.
T Harv Eker  Millionaire Mind
This is also true of your spiritual capacity!
You’re a vessel of hope, peace, joy, inspiration, love, kindness, fear, hate,  jealousy, anger - well, you get the idea.
What expands and grows in your heart?
Are you making more room for love and peace in your spirit?
You are abundant today, right here, right now!  
Feel that gratitude today and visualize your container expanding to receive more!

October 2, 2011

Yesterday's tomorrow


In longing for my yesterday
I'm shortening my tomorrows
and missing out on today.

I will honor you in memory
by living your legacy of love! ❀