Steal someone's confusion with this Jedi mind trick
by: Mike Bundrant founder iNLP Center
The Jedi understand that states of confusion are malleable and transferable. Like a yawn, they can be passed on to others. Jedi Masters use this phenomenon to "steal" confusion so that the original carrier is freed from it. Give it a try, you can be of help to someone in need.
The Jedi advocate awareness, intention and choice. The more awareness you have about the nature of communication, the greater your opportunity to serve and make the world a better place.
With that, here is how to steal another person's confusion.
1. When someone is confused and engaged in conversation with you (assuming you have a nice rapport), listen politely and give them a chance to work it out on their own. If they don't need you to steal their confusion, don't attempt it.
2. If they remain stuck and can't seem to get clear, steal it! Here's how: Become confused at their confusion. Act as if they are confusing you. Better, allow yourself to truly become confused by their confusing situation! Get sucked in.
3. When this trick works, the other will respond to your confusion by popping out of their own confusion and explaining (often spilling the beans about something they were hiding from themselves) it all to you, thus helping you out.
Once the air is clear and the confusion has dissipated, the trick is done.
I found this technique very intriguing as it prods the person to explain, in detail their current situation, in an attempt to clear the listener’s confusion. In formulating a clarifying explanation for another, it can lift the veil of doubt and confusion for oneself! Simply brilliant!
September 27, 2011
Pecking Order
If you’re feeling low, inferior, not as good as everyone else.
Like the world is picking you apart relentlessly......
Remember, it’s the best fruit that gets pecked at!
If you’re feeling low, inferior, not as good as everyone else.
Like the world is picking you apart relentlessly......
Remember, it’s the best fruit that gets pecked at!
September 26, 2011
Heart direction
You’ve learned how to do so many different things in your life.
You’ve felt the fire of intuition inside direct you in unexplained
I ask you to pause for a moment and think about this:
Which ‘director’ has produced the most meaningful results for you?
Your mind, or your heart?
When you are heart-centered
You are grounded to the earth, to spirit. ❀
You’ve learned how to do so many different things in your life.
You’ve felt the fire of intuition inside direct you in unexplained
I ask you to pause for a moment and think about this:
Which ‘director’ has produced the most meaningful results for you?
Your mind, or your heart?
When you are heart-centered
You are grounded to the earth, to spirit. ❀
September 25, 2011
Natural source
It's in the stillness of nature that my body and soul feels most alive.
Cradled by the hand of nature,
I feel connected and supported to my Source. ❀
It's in the stillness of nature that my body and soul feels most alive.
Cradled by the hand of nature,
I feel connected and supported to my Source. ❀
September 23, 2011
Frame of heart
24/7/365 is a lot of time with the wrong person, yet never enough when the match is made in heaven! ❤
If you apply this principle to other areas of your life, like your job, it becomes clear that
your frame of mind sets the frame of life experience!
24/7/365 is a lot of time with the wrong person, yet never enough when the match is made in heaven! ❤
If you apply this principle to other areas of your life, like your job, it becomes clear that
your frame of mind sets the frame of life experience!
September 21, 2011
Oasis within
“What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince,
“is that somewhere it hides a well.”
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1943
We all possess hidden treasure, refuge from the turbulent waters of life.
Each of us has been endowed with the birthright of perfection and happiness.
We can see this shine brightly in the eyes of a child.
Sometimes, when we think we’ve ‘got it now’, it’s time to let go of what we ‘know’ and revert back to wonder and awe of everything.
Simplicity and gratitude can steer the crooked to become straight, the lost return home and are found again.
If you are busy with deadlines, agendas and running on schedules only, not having time to just be - maybe it’s time to find your own hidden well and tap into it’s endless supply.
Your soul nourishment comes from within, drink, and be whole!
“What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince,
“is that somewhere it hides a well.”
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1943
We all possess hidden treasure, refuge from the turbulent waters of life.
Each of us has been endowed with the birthright of perfection and happiness.
We can see this shine brightly in the eyes of a child.
Sometimes, when we think we’ve ‘got it now’, it’s time to let go of what we ‘know’ and revert back to wonder and awe of everything.
Simplicity and gratitude can steer the crooked to become straight, the lost return home and are found again.
If you are busy with deadlines, agendas and running on schedules only, not having time to just be - maybe it’s time to find your own hidden well and tap into it’s endless supply.
Your soul nourishment comes from within, drink, and be whole!
September 20, 2011
One spark can start a flame
Did you realize that most everything has consequences?
Even the dainty butterfly, gently fluttering it’s wings across the world imparts reactions.
Your thoughts, words, and actions are never an island of chance.
Dominoes begin to fall as soon as we step into ourselves and live.
What kind of chain reaction are you causing in this world?
Are your outcomes congruent with your intentions?
If not, maybe it’s time to drop different dominoes and redirect a new chain of events to unfold!
You are a powerful creator - the extent of your creations is regulated by your belief in it!
Doubt and complacency can douse the grandest of dreams, but
One small spark can start a raging fire!
Did you realize that most everything has consequences?
Even the dainty butterfly, gently fluttering it’s wings across the world imparts reactions.
Your thoughts, words, and actions are never an island of chance.
Dominoes begin to fall as soon as we step into ourselves and live.
What kind of chain reaction are you causing in this world?
Are your outcomes congruent with your intentions?
If not, maybe it’s time to drop different dominoes and redirect a new chain of events to unfold!
You are a powerful creator - the extent of your creations is regulated by your belief in it!
Doubt and complacency can douse the grandest of dreams, but
One small spark can start a raging fire!
September 19, 2011
Life is not a game one can win. Life is the prize we've already won.
Thank you Mark, at Mystic Meaning for this quote! Made me recall many conversations with terminal patients - this quote came alive for me today!
I've talked with many who came to this realization with a terminal diagnosis - a time frame left on their earthly life.
Regardless of whether or not they were 'successful' businessmen, housewives, grandmothers, or even younger adults.
All previous bets were off -it became time to enjoy the gift of life and disregard their own mindset of priorities and hoop jumping to 'advance' in life.
I think their definition of living changed when it was threatened with ending abruptly.
For many, hearing the 2 minute warning sparked them to really begin living. ❀ Joan
Thank you Mark, at Mystic Meaning for this quote! Made me recall many conversations with terminal patients - this quote came alive for me today!
I've talked with many who came to this realization with a terminal diagnosis - a time frame left on their earthly life.
Regardless of whether or not they were 'successful' businessmen, housewives, grandmothers, or even younger adults.
All previous bets were off -it became time to enjoy the gift of life and disregard their own mindset of priorities and hoop jumping to 'advance' in life.
I think their definition of living changed when it was threatened with ending abruptly.
For many, hearing the 2 minute warning sparked them to really begin living. ❀ Joan
September 18, 2011
Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold!
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other’s gold!
I remember saying these words many, many times in the Brownies and Girl Scouts - seems like a lifetime ago. Those lessons taught to me as a very young girl are part of who I am today.
Friends are such a blessing in our lives! Shared experiences with special people are the catalyst for more of the same! I can practically hear my best friend, Sue hollering over the monkey bars at me - “That was so much fun, let’s do it again!”
Can you remember something from your past, a moment in time when you were joyful and carefree?
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other’s gold!
I remember saying these words many, many times in the Brownies and Girl Scouts - seems like a lifetime ago. Those lessons taught to me as a very young girl are part of who I am today.
Friends are such a blessing in our lives! Shared experiences with special people are the catalyst for more of the same! I can practically hear my best friend, Sue hollering over the monkey bars at me - “That was so much fun, let’s do it again!”
Can you remember something from your past, a moment in time when you were joyful and carefree?
September 15, 2011
Wisdom shared among childhood friends.
There are things in life that cannot be reproduced on a chalk board, over a bunsen burner, on a computer, or in a lab.
There are formulas that are so simple in origin, but nearly impossible to capture in the physical realm.
Love is such a ministry!
Love is held close to your heart, yet also spans and floods the universe with oneness.
It’s a personal experience, a public sharing.
It starts with a flicker of kindness or can explode into a contagious frenzy of bliss.
Love carries me when I’m tired, and propels me when I’m strong.
Love can’t be ‘produced’, copied or dissected.
It comes natural and grows stronger and deeper with experience.
Pooh, you’re so right!
I've got a feeling............
September 14, 2011
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.” Shawshank Redemption
Choice. We may not feel the empowerment when we are engulfed in the wreckage of a tangled life, but it is there. Despite the most desperate of situations, you can choose your reality - your thoughts, feelings, perception.
“Everything can be taken from a man but the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” - Dr. Viktor E. Frankl
I remember struggling with purpose in my life, then reading a book called “Man’s search for meaning” by Dr Viktor Frankl. If the above quote doesn’t resonate well with you, I recommend reading it - it is a game changer - the game in your mind. When your mind is calm, it’s irrelevant that the world is spinning out of control. You can only steer things you have control over.
Release your grasp on the steering wheel of life and open your mind to peace.
“The meaning of our existence is not invented by ourselves, but rather detected.” – Dr. Viktor E. Frankl
Choice. We may not feel the empowerment when we are engulfed in the wreckage of a tangled life, but it is there. Despite the most desperate of situations, you can choose your reality - your thoughts, feelings, perception.
“Everything can be taken from a man but the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” - Dr. Viktor E. Frankl
I remember struggling with purpose in my life, then reading a book called “Man’s search for meaning” by Dr Viktor Frankl. If the above quote doesn’t resonate well with you, I recommend reading it - it is a game changer - the game in your mind. When your mind is calm, it’s irrelevant that the world is spinning out of control. You can only steer things you have control over.
Release your grasp on the steering wheel of life and open your mind to peace.
“The meaning of our existence is not invented by ourselves, but rather detected.” – Dr. Viktor E. Frankl
September 13, 2011
Get up and and start peddling!
Don't wake up and start your day in neutral - just waiting to see how the day goes, what kind of day it's going to be.
You set the pace, the theme of your day.
If you don't set your own mind, it will be set for you. ❀
Don't wake up and start your day in neutral - just waiting to see how the day goes, what kind of day it's going to be.
You set the pace, the theme of your day.
If you don't set your own mind, it will be set for you. ❀
September 10, 2011
Make it count!
There are five things that you cannot recover in life:
(1) The Stone...........after it's thrown
(2) The Word...............after it's said (3) The Occasion......after it's missed
(4) The Time.............after it's gone
(5) A person...............after they die
Your opportunity in this moment is temporaryYour choices in action are more permanent
Carpe Diem! Make it count!
There are five things that you cannot recover in life:
(1) The Stone...........after it's thrown
(2) The Word...............after it's said (3) The Occasion......after it's missed
(4) The Time.............after it's gone
(5) A person...............after they die
Your opportunity in this moment is temporaryYour choices in action are more permanent
Carpe Diem! Make it count!
Mind of a child
"The hardest thing about reality is returning to it after an hour inside your child's mind."
Robert Brault
A free, adventure-filled world full of wonder, imagination and simple moments that brim with laughter! Worry, deadlines, and fear of incompetence are non existent in a child’s mind.
Spending time with a child is much like a restful vacation. We feel happy, relaxed and free while we’re temporarily away from our ‘routine’. Then we must ‘go back’ to the ‘real world’ again to start over.
Maybe we need to reassess our ‘real world’ and think about cultivating our inner child. That free soul of imagination and adventure. The same person who reins free about once a year for a week, maybe two. Vacation is such a small part of your year unless you mentally evolve to make your vocation - your vacation!
Sounds far fetched and unattainable, until we pay attention to others who have mastered this concept! They are the people who consistently spread sunshine and smiles - happy for no reason!
"The hardest thing about reality is returning to it after an hour inside your child's mind."
Robert Brault
A free, adventure-filled world full of wonder, imagination and simple moments that brim with laughter! Worry, deadlines, and fear of incompetence are non existent in a child’s mind.
Spending time with a child is much like a restful vacation. We feel happy, relaxed and free while we’re temporarily away from our ‘routine’. Then we must ‘go back’ to the ‘real world’ again to start over.
Maybe we need to reassess our ‘real world’ and think about cultivating our inner child. That free soul of imagination and adventure. The same person who reins free about once a year for a week, maybe two. Vacation is such a small part of your year unless you mentally evolve to make your vocation - your vacation!
Sounds far fetched and unattainable, until we pay attention to others who have mastered this concept! They are the people who consistently spread sunshine and smiles - happy for no reason!
September 7, 2011
Listen with your singing heart!

All his thinking could not make him understand, but his singing heart could.
-Winterless Mountain 1931
Some things will never make sense in the ‘logical’ realm, and you can’t always think a process to an end, because it is infinite. An open mind, a joyful, grateful (singing) heart explores as much (maybe more) than the most calculating of brains. Unless, that mind is also inspired by imagination and hope, like Einstein.
If you find yourself struggling to understand something, sometimes you find answers/solace in silence of the mind, and listening to the song in your heart.
You say there’s no song in your heart? It’s just that your mind is drowning it out - listen, it’s there, my friend! ❀
Some things will never make sense in the ‘logical’ realm, and you can’t always think a process to an end, because it is infinite. An open mind, a joyful, grateful (singing) heart explores as much (maybe more) than the most calculating of brains. Unless, that mind is also inspired by imagination and hope, like Einstein.
If you find yourself struggling to understand something, sometimes you find answers/solace in silence of the mind, and listening to the song in your heart.
You say there’s no song in your heart? It’s just that your mind is drowning it out - listen, it’s there, my friend! ❀
September 6, 2011
Simplify your life!

One of the greatest deceptions going is -
having more stuff will bring happiness.
While waiting patiently for something you might want, be grateful for all that you’ve got. “It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.” - Cheryl Crow
When you focus on what you don’t have, you’re really missing out on the blessings of today.
Often times we may be so focused
on attaining something bigger, that we miss out on the small wonders, celebrations of everyday life.
Make a big deal about the little things in your life; kids do! They have much to teach us about true freedom, wonder and happiness! ❀
While waiting patiently for something you might want, be grateful for all that you’ve got. “It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.” - Cheryl Crow
When you focus on what you don’t have, you’re really missing out on the blessings of today.
Often times we may be so focused
on attaining something bigger, that we miss out on the small wonders, celebrations of everyday life.
Make a big deal about the little things in your life; kids do! They have much to teach us about true freedom, wonder and happiness! ❀
September 5, 2011
Diverse nature of life

In contemplating the relationships of life, I see so many dynamic and versatile happenings.
To judge another based on actions of the past doesn’t encompass their complete nature.
The same sun which melts the ice, also hardens the clay.
Similarly, the same rain that quenches drought, can also flood a town.
Open your mind to the accept the diverse nature of life, while practicing compassion and acceptance. ❀
September 4, 2011
Change happens at the edge of your comfort zone!

I’m currently taking an incredible online course that spans 90 days- basically a self help course. My first module of ‘wake up productive’ is amazing and has already given me so much insight! I stopped the recording to write this post after the instructor said these words:
“Change happens at the edge of
your comfort zone.”
Yes, that’s absolutely true! We truly cultivate what we want in our lives through awareness-willpower-action, or intentional repetition! Many times we ‘know’ what’s good for us, but we aren’t disciplined enough to be intentional about incorporating it into our routine.
I’d like to try something. If you (the reader) have something/anything that you just know would make your life better, or easier, like simply eating a balanced breakfast before you start your busy day, I’m asking you to make this one thing a new routine in your life!
Make a plan for this one action, write it down, visualize yourself doing it and how you will feel, then take any appropriate actions to help yourself along! Like maybe putting your gym shoes next to your bed with an outfit, or putting a glass of water next to your bed so you see it first thing in the morning. Maybe preparing a nutritious lunch the evening before. Set yourself up for success for this one ritual that will enhance your life - soon, it will become habit and you will begin layering more and more routines into your morning/life!
Set the tone of your own life to be proactive rather than reactive! I’m giving it a go, and it feels so empowering and good! Please keep me posted on your success and stumbles (in this post). I’d like to expand helping others do this in a most useful way! Thanks, and have a lovely Sunday! ❀ Joan
your comfort zone.”
Yes, that’s absolutely true! We truly cultivate what we want in our lives through awareness-willpower-action, or intentional repetition! Many times we ‘know’ what’s good for us, but we aren’t disciplined enough to be intentional about incorporating it into our routine.
I’d like to try something. If you (the reader) have something/anything that you just know would make your life better, or easier, like simply eating a balanced breakfast before you start your busy day, I’m asking you to make this one thing a new routine in your life!
Make a plan for this one action, write it down, visualize yourself doing it and how you will feel, then take any appropriate actions to help yourself along! Like maybe putting your gym shoes next to your bed with an outfit, or putting a glass of water next to your bed so you see it first thing in the morning. Maybe preparing a nutritious lunch the evening before. Set yourself up for success for this one ritual that will enhance your life - soon, it will become habit and you will begin layering more and more routines into your morning/life!
Set the tone of your own life to be proactive rather than reactive! I’m giving it a go, and it feels so empowering and good! Please keep me posted on your success and stumbles (in this post). I’d like to expand helping others do this in a most useful way! Thanks, and have a lovely Sunday! ❀ Joan
September 2, 2011
Get ready to blossom!

“On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, on the dawn of victory, stopped to rest and resting died.”
Omar Kayam Quotes
This quote reminds me of an impactful visual from the Secret. John Assaraf talks about the human quest of fulfilling a dream/visualization with focus and intention that is so close to fruition, but then is extinguished by our inaction/negative thoughts. He pointed his finger upwards and placed his other hand over the top of his finger. The representation was showing a sprout beneath the surface of soil, just ready to emerge and blossom.
In a similar fashion, we might be so close to blossoming,
breaking through the soil in victory!
Stay the course, follow your dreams, keep believing, follow the yellow brick road, or whatever path is true! Reach a little higher, the sky is beckoning!
September 1, 2011
Hope and Faith

"When the world brings you to your knees
You're in the perfect position to pray." unknown
For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11
Regardless of external pressures or perceived internal pressures, we are whole, reminded to foster hope and faith. ❀
For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11
Regardless of external pressures or perceived internal pressures, we are whole, reminded to foster hope and faith. ❀
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